
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Contagion Movie Essay

In the movie called â€Å"Contagion†, a strange virus is affecting the U.S. population. There have been cases of death among scientists who try to discover the origin of the acute disease that is spreading rapidly through population. Within their studies it is believed that the cause was an attack rate. The virus possible spread from person to person, and the person who contracted it transferred it to another person. These investigations were conducted through descriptive and observational studies. This virus spread and they will have to act swiftly to prevent more deaths. This strange virus is threatening the lives of many Americans. It begins with rare symptoms like dizziness, cough, fever, and the worst part is that this virus is contagious. This means that a person who has contact with the patient or any object that is touched by the disease may quickly acquire it. The virus spreads rapidly throughout the body and in matters of weeks the patient becomes unconscious and die s. Scientists are beginning to conduct research to find what caused this virus. They gather statistics of mortality and discovered that people who have died similar deaths were in the same place. That place is probably where they acquired the virus. According to the scientist, these people were in Hong Kong in a meeting and obtained the virus which they later transferred to others. This research was described in a study, but they had to investigate more because of lack of knowing where, who, and how the virus was transmitted. In order to establish how it originated, experimental studies were conducted. They studied the bodies of the dead and took samples to see how dangerous this virus was and how they could attack to prevent further deaths. Meanwhile, the virus was being transmitted and had destroyed much of the population. The community begun behaving in mad, as they wanted to save themselves and did not have any vaccines to help. They created a cure for the virus but the new problem was that there are only a few doses available and people started to fight for them. The only advise given to the public was to not have contact with other people and avoid all places where there are crowds. The number of victims quickly reduced and cases like smallpox and other diseases reduced because of the drug that can attack the virus from the start. Contagion from the beginning is a very confusing movie. Due to the spike in the numbers of deaths, they know there is a problem that is severely affecting the population. No one knows, however, for sure what is causing it. It is not until the end of the movie when you realize the virus began with a bat which infected bananas. Those bananas were eaten by a pig and the pork was then contaminated. The pig was taken to a restaurant for food to be prepared and the chef transmitted the virus to another person through greetings. This was the origin of the dangerous virus. Contagion is an interesting movie because at first it was not clear what kind of disease was affecting the people.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Critical Regulatory Issue in Health Care

HCS/430 13 Case Law A critical regulatory issue in health care Amanda Whitt HCS/430 13 Case Law A critical regulatory issue in health care Amanda Whitt Ethical problems within hospitals and other facilities has been an ongoing issue for around 35 years. With the fast growth of technology and new medicine, the financial structures that could possibly create more financial concerns. The organizational effects of these issues will start looking at the quality of health care. In the economy, the demand from consumers and the production costs will help guide and form a firm structure.Many health care organizations need to use good thinking tasks to make proper decisions. More issues include: patient autonomy, termination of patient treatment, advance directives, confidentiality, and informed consent. Back in the day, hospitals received charitable donations from internal sources of the community. Hospitals are thriving in developing new technology and new science. The price of the new tech nology for the findings that have sky rocketed and can create future financial concern.The development of new technology can broaden the areas for treatment and if they have the correct tools to perform treatment, then they will get to experience the cost of it as well. With having the new technology in most organizations, patient's will receive less one on one time with the doctors to ask questions. I have noticed this through a personal experience of mine. I remember I would be in the doctors forever when I was a little girl and nowadays, I am usually in there for a quick visit. The patients pay a lot of money to receive less guidance from your doctor or though it may seem. Paying for health insurance s definitely a costly additive for the patient and does not get any cheaper to carry coverage on their family. Issues with the new technology and science will create more training and certification. This will be an additional cost to the health care facility of where they are introdu cing the new technology equipment. This can also cause staff to be less interactive with their patients because they are focusing on the new programs, equipment, ect. Although, the cost will be noticeable now, but once training and the proper use of equipment is learned, the facility will be saving money in the end.New sciences can develop more jobs and may also create the areas to have a more trained professional who has a distinct job description of the study of the issue. Patient autonomy is where the patients have a right to decide for their own medical care. This decision should not include an influential decision made by the patient’s health care provider but the health care provider is allowed to educate their patients about their possible concerns. The termination of a patient could simply be because the provider may be relocating or retiring.There are cases where a managed care plan may no longer be taking the patient's insurance coverage. The physician needs to foll ow the correct steps in order to terminate a patient from their facility because if the physician does not follow the proper steps, then they may run into ethical issues if the patient isn't given a reasonable cause for this action. An advance health care directive is a written statement of how the patient is wanting to receive treatment in case of a severe injury, illness, or incapacitated which will cause the patient not being able to make their own decisions.It is also known as a Living Will which will help the family members know what their loved ones wanted in case this happened. One of the most critical issues is confidentiality. It is the physician's role to keep the patient's medical information kept between the physician and patients. Full disclosure of patient information can help the physician diagnose medical conditions with the proper treatment. The only way the patient's information may be distributed is by signing a consent form to release their personal information.I nformed consent is giving a medical professional consent to perform a procedure or a test that is needed for a health concern. The language on the document of an informed consent must be understood and readable for the patient. Once they have finished reading the document, then a signature from the patient is required because of they perform a procedure that could cause medical harm during it. The patient could go back and sue the facility for not properly following their regulations. In the consent for the patient, there should be statements describing the certain procedure of what the physicians will be performing.The informed consent needs to be given during a specific time frame before the procedure. In conclusion, these ethical issues can be prevented with the proper training of the field. Proper training will lead to better quality of care and safe practices within an organization. The cost of health care will still be an issue down the road because the technology and the new findings of diseases will continue to increase. Following rules and regulations will help organizations grow in a positive setting. It is important for all facilities to become known to a comfortable structure so that they are financially set for any new changes.New changes don't only benefit the doctors but it also benefits the patient that is receiving the treatment. References 1. Mariner, W. (1995). Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. â€Å"Business versus Medical Ethics: Conflicting Standards for Managed Care† pg. 237. http://www. jblearning. com/samples/076374526X/4526X_CH14_235_250. pdf 2. Allison, David, Arch, D. , Uriel Cohen. (2009). The Center for Health Design. Critical Issues in Healthcare Environments. http://www. healthdesign. org/chd/research/critical-issues-healthcare-environments

Monday, July 29, 2019

The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal Essay - 2

The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal - Essay Example The sale and use of cigarettes should be made illegal. Tobacco is a dangerous and addictive substance that causes major health problems to its users. Lung cancer increases the risk of lung cancer by 23 times in men and 13 times in women (Cdc, 2012). It also causes 10 other cancers including bladder kidney, and pancreatic cancer. Smoking decreases men’s sperm count and it causes infertility. The regular use of cigarettes is a risk factor that increases the chance of coronary disease. There is empirical proof that states that half of all regular smokers will die from its use. This fact implies that nearly 650 million people or 9.28% of the population will die from smoking. Cigarette smoking is even more dangerous among teenagers and pregnant women. Cigarette smoking is an epidemic that is hurting the youth in America. It is estimated that approximately 80% of all smokers begin to smoke cigarettes before the age of 18. The health dangers of smoking are greater for teenagers because their bodies are still developing. The incidence of teen smoking in the U.S. is extremely high as 30% of high school students are cigarette smokers (Cavnett, 2010). One of the reasons smoking is so dangerous among teenagers is because it causes oxygen deprivation. â€Å"Oxygen deprivation can damage and kill brain cells that are not replaced or repaired later in life† (Cavnett, 2010). Since the brains of teenagers are still developing smoking can inhibit the developmental process due to damage to brain cells. Pregnant women that smoke are irresponsible and are endangering an innocent life that is supposed to be protected by its mother. Smoking among pregnant women is a serious problem that deserves the immediate attention of our society. â€Å"Nearly one-quarter of all pregnant women in the United States are smokers, with more than half refusing to quit during their pregnancy† (Mozes, 2012). Making

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cultural Diversity in the U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Cultural Diversity in the U.S - Essay Example Even though Brazilian and Mexican citizens have similarly been insecure and subject to social injustice by the abusive civil authorities, police enforcers as well as corrupt politicians, Mexicans still afford, by articles 6 and 7 of their constitution, to obtain the proper implementation of the provision that grants each citizen the freedom of speech or of any other forms of self-expression which the Brazilians are mostly anxious to put into practice having been confronted with constant risk of harassment and killings in the process (MIEPA). When reviewed, Brazil’s state has had difficulty in stabilizing institutions to accord with the established policy as in the time when there occurred imbalance due to economic factors associated with inflation and unresolved issues on human rights violation alongside. On the other hand, Fox administration had managed to align economic policies of the government with the desired institutional stability. On a greater scale, however, on reforming certain policies by a government which comprised officials who are inadequately knowledgeable of handling the tasks to maintain a stable Mexican economy, there ought to be alternative means of exhibiting political effectiveness to expedite economic growth and thus affect other sectors in a favorable manner. It may additionally be pointed out that when it comes to providing reinforcement of environmental protection laws, neither Brazilian nor Mexican government agency has been found blameless of inefficient employment of appropriate measures. IBAMA of Brazil, for instance, has relied upon tools and resources that are rather scarce or have limited capacity to aid in analyzing corporate plans in relation to environmental impact. In the same way, while the Mexican government has identified specific means to regulate the worsening case of air pollution in the country,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An Investigation into the issue of human trafficking, the factors that Essay

An Investigation into the issue of human trafficking, the factors that promote it and the obstacles in preventing this evolving - Essay Example Although human trafficking has been present for a very long time, it has increased a lot in the last quarter of the 20th century due to a number of reasons, the main being the increased number of refugees due to many civil wars, increased poverty due to global crises and natural disasters, and the increased emphasis on sexuality in the media. Human trafficking is not just an issue that can be taken lightly. It does not just lead to the exploitation of human beings through the development of the sex industry and forced labor, but also results in other illicit activities. Often, the money from the illicit profits is used for the growth and expansion of drugs or illegal weapons related businesses. This kind of a business again requires some form of exploitation of children and women, and sometimes even men. So a vicious circle is formed from which people cannot escape. Rather more and more fall into these precarious work conditions. The issue of human trafficking needs to be addressed p roperly by governments that want to break people out from the vicious cycle of human trafficking. ... The paper, therefore, looks at the reasons in a lot of detail. In order to understand them, however, it is important to fully comprehend the definition and forms of human trafficking. Definition Human Trafficking, according to Jordan (2002), is the movement of humans within or across borders by the use of inappropriate means, like fraud and force, so that they can be forced into labor, slavery, and servitude. So, human trafficking is an illicit trade whereby human beings are ‘sold’ for the purpose of commercial promotion or slavery. To be more precise, however, the definition provided by the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and adopted by the UN General Assembly on 15 November 2000, according to Bakirci (2009), is as follows. ‘[. . .] recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of dishonesty, of the misuse of power or of a situation of susceptibility or of the taking or getting of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation’ Hence trafficking, according to the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, includes at the very least either some form of sexual exploitation or labor exploitation. It is very important to state here, as Bakirci (2009) relates that human trafficking does not necessarily require movement. Unlike human smuggling, human trafficking does not need the person to be moved from one way to the other. But, in effect, trafficking means the recruitment and harboring of individuals in the professions that have been discussed in the definition above. So, people can also be trafficked in their homelands, as

Friday, July 26, 2019

Customer Loyalty at Ritz Carlton Hotel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Customer Loyalty at Ritz Carlton Hotel - Essay Example In his study, customer loyalty is associated will the kind of treated and services they receive. Customer loyalty is therefore seen with respect to how a customer responds to the products and services presented by the company (Lawfer 11). In Ritz Carlton industry, customer loyalty means the creation of customer satisfaction through creation of culture where customer needs is given priority through provision of high quality of products and services and good personal services by the employees of the company. He does this by making sure that the customer is made to feel valued by the company. However, as Andreassen and Lindestad state, customer loyalty is dependent on corporate image and the disconfirmation of expectations. Therefore, a company with good corporate image which puts the interests of its customers first is likely to win customer loyalty. In Ritz Carlton, a loyal customer has a lifetime worth of $ 1 million. According to Carflton, a loyal customer will try to sell a company to other customers luring them to it and that is why they are priced highly as opposed to a disloyal customer who will try to paint your company in a negative way. In Ritz Carlton`s hotel, customer satisfaction if given priority as the employees are empowered to use huge amounts of money as long as their motive is to satisfy their customers and make them happy. When a customer realizes that all her needs have been catered for in the hotel, their desire to come back for more service is boosted. The management also hires only those employees who are able and knowledgeable in meeting customer demand. Customer needs are given priority through customer orientation as they are made to feel valued. The company retains its customers through provision of high quality products and services. Ritz Carlton hotel builds customer relationships by ensuring that well trained and reputable employees are hired. The employees are trained to be customer focused and are required to

Environmentally Friendly Sources of Energy Essay

Environmentally Friendly Sources of Energy - Essay Example The anger over high gas prices opened up an old debate over the world's limited fossil fuels, their effect on the environment, and solutions for the future. The course of action is clear, the United States must move beyond Fossil Fuels to more environmentally friendly source of energy. Pollution caused by car fuel is responsible for a number of natural and human afflictions. Topping that long list is acid rain, lung problems including asthma, smog, and global warming. The regulation of car emissions did not begin until 1970. After eighty years of neglect air pollution had become a problem that seemed uncontrollable. President Nixon and his administration struggled to pass legislation that would require vehicles to produce less emissions and be safer for the environment. They did succeed in passing the Federal Clean Air Act, the first in a series of actions meant to improve the quality of air in the United States. The first Act simply stated what was an acceptable amount of emissions and what was not. As the years went by and more provisions were made the Act was still weak, and was used more like a suggestion than a law (Conlin 807). Cars create pollution in a number of ways. The major contribution is ozone being released at a ground level. The World Resources Institute warns "breathing ozone concentrations of 0.012ppm, levels that are typical in many cities can irritate the respiratory tract and impair lung function causing coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain. In addition to the effects that gas produced pollution has on the human body" (66), it can have a severe effect on the planet as a whole. Another component of car emissions is carbon dioxide, a compound which traps heat. Since the Middle Ages the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment has increased by 30% and the temperature of the planet has increased in a similar way. Global warming can cause many environmental problems including damage to coral reefs, spread of disease, droughts, the melting of the North Pole, and most recently documented severe weather conditions like tropical storms and hurricanes. The amount of gasoline used by cars is staggering. World Resource Institute cites that vehicles used for transportation consumed about 25% of the world's energy, and 80% of that is caused by cars. In 1996 the world's gas consumption topped a trillion liters. America easily uses more gas then it is able to produce. Petroleum is not a renewable resource. The United States imports 50% of the oil it uses (World 79). This leads to an additional problem with petroleum based fuel. The United States has become dependent on foreign countries for this fuel and therefore must maintain a good working relationship with other national governments which nurture terrorism and poor treatment of it's citizens. "Biodiesel is an American-made fuel that can be produced from any fat or vegetable oil, such as soybean oil. Biodiesel is cleaner burning than traditional diesel, and its production and use builds our U.S. economy, rather than our reliance on the Middle East" (Biodiesel, par 3). A shortage of petroleum gas leads to rising gas prices. Of course there are many simple ways that people can cut down on their gas usage. Many of them involved car pooling, not using gas powered machines on ozone days, and to relearn the virtues of taking and enjoying a nice long walk. However, the bigger

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analyses customer relation theory of adidas Assignment

Analyses customer relation theory of adidas - Assignment Example This is a powerful marketing for Adidas and it uses it effectively to be able to engage the customers. Adidas tries to use customer loyalty in order to maintain its customers. Although some scholars have argued that consumers are rarely loyal to such brands as Adidas and its major competitors like Nike and Puma, the firm still sticks to its strategy of trying to create customer loyalty Matthew (2013). One of the ways in which Adidas tries to create customer loyalty is to have its brand strategy designed in such a way that all customers have been served. For instance, the firm is currently delivering three parts of its brand (Arenas, 2010). The first brand is the original which gives the customers the option to access the original Adidas designs. This is for the loyal customers who still want to stick to the products they liked in the older days. The second is the designs that are geared towards professional athletes. These products are designed to serve professional athletes in order to help them have the best performance. The third and last brand is geared towards fashion. This is f or the Adidas customers who feel they want to wear Adidas products but with a fashion appeal to it (Kyle, 2006). Of these three categories of customers that Adidas targets, its digital marketing strategy targets only two. The two categories targeted with the digital strategy for Adidas are those who are fashion oriented and the athletes’ categories. The reason for this is these customers are the ones who are most likely to use the gaming consoles and so Adidas is able to engage these customers. Although the digital gaming console is the main digital marketing strategy that Adidas has used mainly, the firms also uses other digital channels to engage the customers. For instance, the firm uses social media such as Facebook and twitter for its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The nature of society, social class divisions, and upward mobility in Essay

The nature of society, social class divisions, and upward mobility in Pride and Prejudice and Great Expectations - Essay Example It illustrates both convicts and lawyers who judge criminals in court hence an insinuation of the enlisted societal traits. In London prisons, Joe minds about their state. Throughout the book, imagery concerning crime with affiliations to justice has been used greatly. The institutions set in the community that the story is based are distinct, and Pip desires to live up to them. Pip decides to find a better way to life in the society out of crime (Dickens). He does this to avoid police traps, jails, and court. The statement insinuates of the extent to which crime and guilt versus innocence has penetrated the community. In addition, Magwitch together with Pip portray criminal character when they help each other to evade police in relation to the case where they both commit a crime. With reference to nature of societies, Pride and prejudice is a collection of a society with stringent norms and the entire episode revolves around love and class (Austen). Not much is said about crime or justice system like the one Dickens’ work put forward. The society here has segmented the class well adhered to and cannot be surpassed without regard to certain criteria and values. Like any society, the love stories in the piece are full of drama about the mistrust from the start proceed to complete trust and eventual marriage (Dickens). Elizabeth is a proud woman, a virtue that makes her characterize Darcy imperfectly from the onset. In addition, the same is replicated by Darcy who is of a different social class from Elizabeth and as such has a different first impression. However, as they tag along, they learn a lot from each other, and the setting enhances their standpoint enabling them to accommodate each other. The family of both steps into a relationship and they try to control their actions threatening with destroying it. The society is tight with its rules. Contrary to the Great expectations view of reputation in society, Austen’s work is all about reputation in society.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Environment And Strategic Management Assignment

Business Environment And Strategic Management - Assignment Example has necessitated these firms or the industries to invest in new technology or new systems that assist in reducing costs while at the same time enhances efficiency, which in turn results in higher profits. It is important to note that such initiatives are not the preserve of firms and industries in the higher echelons. This means that company CEO or industry leaders are increasingly on the lookout to for demands that are strategic and complement fully the operations of the firm or groups of firms in the industry. Various firms in a bid to be ahead of the pack are increasingly adopting new developments such as mobile technology and the rampant usage of social networking. There are strategic roles that new technology have with regard to a firm or an industry, this paper will initially look into them thereafter look into factors which may hamper the diffusion of such new technology. Additionally, the paper will consider a specific product or process innovation in an organization then analyse the corporate objectives for such an investment. Finally the paper will Identify and discuss factors which may have helped or hindered the adoption of this new technology within the organisation. The significance of strategies for not only firms but also the entire industries has been always stressed in the strategic management. Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson (2010, p.334) observed that ‘†¦corporate strategies†¦ Allow firms to search for new markets †¦and technologies to outdo their rivals’. A number of literatures on strategic management have pointed out that firms adoption of new technologies can be directly linked to strategic roles that a firm’s management hierarchy intends to pursue. Various firms adopt these strategies to show critical and important stages they must follow in order to achieve their target organizational objectives. The available strategic management theories often cite two important models of strategic decision-making: the incremental and the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Causes Of The French Revolution Essay Example for Free

Causes Of The French Revolution Essay On July 14, 1789 a large mob stormed the Bastille, and killed the commander and some other soldiers. The fall of the Bastille marked the beginning of the French Revolution, and was a symbol to the people of France representing years of abuse by the monarchy. Also, this event served as a wake-up call to King Louis XVI. Unlike any other short protest or riot, this event actually challenge to the regime. As the French Revolution progressed, French society underwent a transformation as feudal, religious, and aristocratic privileges disappeared and the ancien rà ©gime were abruptly overthrown under the fundamental principle of Libertà ©, à ©galità ©, fraternità ©. Although there are many causes to the French Revolution, the three main ones are: the mismanagement of the economy, the pressure of taxes placed primarily onto the third estate, and the spark from Enlightenment ideas and the American Revolution. These events set a fire in France that could no longer be contained. It spread through France like a wildfire. The first cause to the French Revolution was the mismanagement of the economy. Louis XIV had left France deeply in debt with his extravagant spending. France’s Involvement in the Seven Years’ War and American Revolution put it deeper down the hole. Costs had generally risen during the 1700’s and the lavish court soaked up millions. The government borrowed more and more money to bridge the gap between income and expenses. Years of deficit spending, or spending more than the income, was taking its toll on the country’s treasury. By 1789, half of the country’s income from taxes went to paying the interest on this debt. Louis XVI was forced to raise taxes to pay back the debts, leading to further tension and revolt. The first cause to the French Revolution was the pressure that taxes placed onto the Third Estate, or anyone that wasn’t nobility or clergy. This included the wealthier middle class, or bourgeoisie, and the extremely poor working clas s and rural farmers. While the poor suffered from the agonizing taxes, the rich nobility and clergy didn’t suffer these taxes because of tradition which granted the nobles and clergy freedom from paying taxes. The political crisis of 1789 coincided with the worst famine in memory, and as taxes rose, tension rose. When taxing the First and Second Estates was proposed by the king’s advisor, Jacques Necker, the nobles and high clergy resisted the  attempt to end their exemption from taxes and forced the king to dismiss him. As the crisis deepened, the pressure for reform grew. The wealthy class demanded, however, that the king summon the Estates-General, the legislative body consisting of representatives of the three estates, before making any changes. This event later backfired on the wealthy with the creation of the National Assembly which established many reforms. The last reason to the French Revolution was the spark of Enlightenment ideas and the American Revolution. This spark set fire to the French Revolution and roared across the country. Many people believed in the ideas of â€Å"equality† and â€Å"freedom of the individual† as presented Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot and other philosophers and social theorists of the Enlightenment. They especially favored John Locke’s idea that if a government violates the people’s natural rights, the people have the right to replace that government. These ideas of life, liberty, and equality had contributed to the creation of the American Revolution and the newly formed American government served as a live example of the proper structure of government. They helped with the creation of new reforms to make life in France better. On July 14, 1789 a large mob stormed the Bastille and began started the French Revolution. The causes of this event were the mismanagement of the economy by the king, the resulting tax pressure placed onto the poor Third Estate, and the spark of Enlightenment and American Revolution reasoning. The French Revolution had accomplished its desired goal of more equal government and it still has an impact on the world. Till this day, the French celebrate Bastille Day as their national independence day.

Analysing Vitamins And Minerals Biology Essay

Analysing Vitamins And Minerals Biology Essay A free radical is reactive and unstable electrically charged atom with an unpaired electron in its outermost shell. To become stable, the free radical has to either give up or gain an electron from another molecule (Tortora et al. 2006, p. 32), thus effecting the bodys ability to maintain normal cell function (Rolfes et a. 2009, p. 391). Free radicals have been implicated in the aging process, heart disease, the development of cancer and other chronic diseases (NCNZ 2009, p. 56). Antioxidants are natural compounds that prevent or neutralise the damaging effects of free radicals, by donating an electron to the unstable molecule without affecting their own stability. Each vitamin and mineral antioxidant functions to protect a particular part of the body (NCNZ 2009, p. 56). For example, selenium functions as a component of proteins that prevent free-radiacal formation (Rolfes et al. 2009, p. 457) in tissues and cell membranes, and Vitamin C protects body fluids from oxidative stress (Rolfes et al. 2009, p. 351). Briefly discuss three factors that can affect the assimilation of supplements. Include within your discussion the reasons why supplements may be necessary and why these are sometimes poorly utilised by the body. Supplement absorption is dependent upon many different factors such as the bodys nutritional requirements, digestive function and time, supplement form and method of preparation, the types of foods they are taken with, and the presence of synergists, co-factors or inhibitors. Most vitamins are well absorbed in the digestive tract. Water soluble vitamins are readily assimilated directly into the blood and are better absorbed when digested with food. Fat soluble vitamins enter the blood via the lymph and require carriers for transport (NCNZ2 2010, p. 48). Fat soluble vitamins are best taken after meals (Haas 2006, p. 90). A fat deficient diet limits assimilation of fat soluble vitamins (NCNZ2 2010, p. 49). Minerals have a lower absorption rate than vitamins they compete with other minerals for absorption, and often require carriers for absorption and transportation (NCNZ2 2010, p. 51). Low stomach acidity also impacts the absorption of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B12 (NCNZ1 2010, p. 26). Calcium also, requires adequate stomach acidity dissolve prior to assimilation (NCNZ2 2010, p. 52). Supplement form and method of preparation result in differing levels of bioavailability. Naturally derived vitamins and minerals are believed to be assimilated better by the body. Natural supplements may be absorbed up to 85% more than their synthetic counterparts (NCNZ1 2010, p. 8). Naturally occurring forms of the same vitamin or mineral may also differ in absorption. For example, alpha tocopherol is the most active of the eight different naturally occuring forms of Vitamin E (NCNZ1 2010, p. 17). Some minerals are bound or chelated to different compounds that enable the mineral to be better absorbed by the body. Ionic minerals are fully dissolved in water particles, and appear to have superior absorption rates (NCNZ1 2010, p. 11). A varied balance of nutrients are required to work effectively together as synergists and cofactors to promote the absorption and function of vitamins and minerals in the body (NCNZ1 2010, p. 10). Vitamins and minerals can interact as synergists. Cofactors can include enzymes and coenzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, and activators (NCNZ1 2010, p. 9). For example, Vitamin C absorption is increased when taken with bioflavonoids (NCNZ1 2010, p. 28). And Vitamin C, an antioxidant, is a synergist for Vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium. List four points detailing when supplementation may be necessary for someone? Declining mineral levels in foods: As the human body does not manufacture minerals, we need to obtain our daily requirements through our diet. However, intensive farming and agricultural practices since WWII have resulted in minerally deficient foods grown in nutrient depleted soils. If our fresh produce is deficient in nutrients, we may require additional supplementation as well as a healthy diet (NCNZ1 2010, p. 6). Pregnancy: Women who are planning pregnancy, are pregnant, or who are breastfeeding benefit from a balanced diet and supplementation of certain nutrients such as iron, folic acid and zinc to ensure an adequate supply of micronutrients to minimise the risk of maternal problems and birth defects (Haas 2006, p. 569). Life stages: Haas (2006, p. 89) recommends taking additional supplements to support the best possible health during life transition periods, such as adolscence or menopause. Supplementation is particularly beneficial in the elderly as they eat less, and are less efficient at assimilating nutrients from food. High consumption of stimulants: High consumption of refined foods, caffiene, alcohol and regular smoking can deplete nutrients in our body (Haas 2006, p. 154). Nutritional deficiencies create a variety of symptoms and increase our susceptibility to disease. Supplementation can used as a primary treatment for specific problems, for detoxification, or to restore nutritional imbalances (Haas 2006, p. 88-89). C r NCr Question 5 What is the best absorbed form of vitamin E? List three female health complaints where evidence has shown that vitamin E can help. The most bioavailable form of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol. Naturally occurring vitamin E (d-ÃŽÂ ±-tocopherol) is more biologically active and potent than its synthetic equivalent dl-ÃŽÂ ± tocopherol (Zimmerman 2001, p. 29). Fibrocystic breast disease Clinical studies have shown vitamin E supplementation as an effective treatment for fibrocystic breast disease (Murray 1998, p. 456; Haas 2006, p. 104; Zimmerman 2001, p. 32). Menopause Vitamin E supplementation of 400-800IU daily has been shown to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, particularly hot flushes and atrophic vaginitis (Stengler 2001, p 479; Murray 1998, p. 637, Haas 2006, p. 104) . Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Symptoms of breast tenderness, depression, nervous tension, headaches, fatigue, insomnia and cravings are reduced in women with PMS following vitamin E supplementation (Murray et al. 1998, p. 747; Stengler 2001, p. 480; Zimmerman 2001, p. 32). C r NCr Question 6 Name at least five whole food sources that are high in vitamin K. Whole food sources high in vitamin K include leafy greens such as cabbage, kale, lettuce and spinach, alfalfa, kelp, eggs, fish and wholegrain oats (Haas 2006, p. 107; NCNZ 2010, p. 17). Apart from food sources, how else is this vitamin provided? Vitamin K is produced in the human body by intestinal bacteria (NCNZ 2010, p. 17). List three important functions of vitamin K. The synthesis of coagulation proteins in the liver Factors II, VII, IX and X in the coagulation cascade, all necessary for blood clotting Required for bone formation, Vitamin K participates in the synthesis of the bone protein osteocalcin which regulates calcium metabolism. Assists in glycogenesis the conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver. (Balch 2006, p. 27) C r NCr Question 7 List four unrefined sources that are high in vitamin A and four good sources of beta carotene. Unrefined sources high in retinol include liver, fish liver oil, egg yolks and whole milk. Sources of beta carotene include carrots, apricots, rockmelon and kumara (Haas 2006, p. 93). Describe the pathway of conversion between beta carotene and vitamin A. Provitamin A beta-carotene is converted to retinal during absorption in the upper intestine and by the liver, and further converted by the body to Vitamin A retinol (Haas 2006, p. 92). Why may large doses of vitamin A be toxic to the body as opposed to high doses of beta carotene? Retinols are absorbed faster and processed more efficiently than beta-carotenes. Conversion of beta-carotene to retinol is regulated in the body and stored in adipose tissue until required (Rolfes et al. 2***, p. 374). Diets that are low in fat may contribute to decreased absorption of which group of nutrients? The fat soluble vitamins A, E, D and K. Also absorption of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene is enhanced by consuming fat with a meal (NCNZ1 2010, p. 14). C r NCr Question 8 Many of the B vitamins have corresponding tongue and mouth deficiency signs. On the tongue diagrams provided, draw the various signs of B vitamin deficiency that might be seen and write underneath any mouth signs. B1: Lines down the side of tongue and furrows on tongue. B2: Angular stomatitis; cracked lips; cold sores; a sore, bright red or purple tongue that may be mapped. B3: Mouth sores; cracks in the tongue, often in the middle; a red tip; scalloping; raised papillae; possible small tongue. B5: Big, red, beefy tongue with cracks and furrows. B6: Angular stomatitis; enlarged red tongue; redness on the edge of the tongue B12: Tongue may be smooth, with a strawberry tip and edge. (NCNZ 2010, p. 20-27) C r NCr Question 9 Name five unrefined foods that are especially high in B vitamins, at least two of them should be from vegetarian sources. Liver, brewers yeast, whole grains, wheat germ, legumes. Describe how a deficiency of vitamin B3 leads to symptoms of anxiety or depression, poor sleeping, and carbohydrate cravings? Trytophan is a precursor of seratonin and vitamin B3 (Haas 2006, p. 47). Vitamin B3 is converted from tryptophan if vitamin B3 levels are low, which depletes serotonin levels. Low levels of serotonin can lead to symptoms of anxiety, depression, carbohydrate cravings and insomnia (NCNZ 2010, p. 22). List seven other vitamins or minerals that are important for stress response? Vitamin A, C, E Selenium are potent antioxidants that reduce free radical damage caused by stress. Vitamin C also supports adrenal function. All the B vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the nervous system, particularly Vitamin B5, considered the anti-stress vitamin essential for healthy adrenal function (NCNZ 2010). Calcium and Magnesium are both deficient when stressed. Calcium is important for nerve transmission and aids relaxation and Magesium, a natural tranquilizer, helps to balance the nervous system (Haas 2006, p. 602). What is the full name of vitamin B7? List three therapeutic uses for this vitamin. Biotin can be used therapeutically to control blood glucose in diabetes, for fat metabolism and utilisation in weight management, to prevent hair loss when related to biotin deficiency, and for dermatological conditions such as dermatits and eczema (Haas 2006, p. 128). A deficiency of which digestive juices can contribute to B12 deficiency? Hydrochloric acid aids in the absorption of vitamin B12 (Haas 2006, p. 125). What dietary factors can contribute to a B12 deficiency? B12 deficiency can occur in people with strict vegetarian diets (Haas 2006, p. 126). Dairy and wheat intolerances interfere with Vitamin B12 absorption, and excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee can reduce B12 levels (NCNZ 2010, p.26). C r NCr Question 10 What vitamins and minerals are affected by oral contraceptive pill (O.C.P) use? Discuss whether their absorption is increased or decreased by the O.C.P. The OCP interferes with the metabolism of most of the B vitamins. In particular, reduced levels of B6, B9 and B12 are related to inadequate absorption (Haas 2006, p. 718). The OCP may also decrease absorption of Vitamin C in the body (Balch 2006, p. 24; Haas 2006, p. 718). Copper absorption is increased with OCP use (NCNZ 2010, p. 34). Zinc absorption is decreased due to high copper levels, therefore zinc levels drop also (NCNZ 2010, p. 44; Haas 2006, p. 718). C r NCr Question 11 Which four main nutrients and cofactors are necessary for the prevention of anaemia? Iron, vitamin B12, Folic acid and Vitamin C (NCNZ1 2010; Balch 2006, p. 201). C r NCr Question 12 List five factors that increase, and five factors that decrease, the absorption of calcium Increase calcium absorption Decrease calcium absorption Moderate exercise Lack of exercise Vitamin D Excess dietary fat Lactose Oxalic acid foods (e.g. almonds, cocoa, rhubarb, spinach) Amino acid lysine Phytates (found in whole grain foods) Gastric hydrochloric acid Stress (NCNZ 2010, p. 30; Balch 2006, p. 31; Haas 2001, p. 155) Research and describe with reasoning how magnesium can benefit three specific health conditions: Cardiovascular disease, PMS, depression, hypertension Cardiovascular disease: According to Haas (2006, p. 666), Magnesium may be the single most important nutrient in CVD protection, especially when it is deficient. Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is associated with fatal cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest (Balch 2006, p. 36; Haas 2006, p. 162). Mg is involved in many enzyme actions controlling glucose, protein and fats (Balch 2006, p. 301) which contribute to energy production and cardiovascular function. Mg assists in maintaining proper heart rhythm and blood pressure (Balch 2006, p. 467). Magnesium is required for the electrical stability of the myocardium, is used to produce energy for heart contractions and regular rhythm, and also relaxes the blood vessel walls, improving circulation and reducing blood pressure. (Haas 2006, p. 666; Al-Delaimy et al. 2004). Mg also keeps calcium in circulation, minimizing increased muscle contractility and nerve conduction of the heart (Al-Delaimy et al. 2004). A randomized clinical trial showed that intravenous magnesium administered in acute myocardial infarction was associated with a 49% reduction in ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation, a 58% reduction in the incidence of cardiac arrest, and a 54% reduction in mortality (Horner, 1992). Research has shown that increased dietary and supplemental magnesium intake was possibly associated with a modestly lower risk of CVD among men (Al-Delaimy et al. 2004). In a cohort study of women, higher plasma concentrations and dietary magnesium intakes were associated with lower risks of sudden cardiac death (Chiuve et al. 2011). Other research have demonstrated that higher magnesium intake was associated with lower blood pressure and lower risk of type 2 diabetes, both of which are risk factors for CVD (Al-Delaimy et al. 2004). Al-Delaimy W. Rimm E. Willet W. Stampfer M. Hu F. (2004), Magnesium Intake and Risk of CHYPERLINK http://www.jacn.org/cgi/content/full/23/1/63oronary Heart Disease among Men, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23 (1), p. 63-70 Chiuve S, Januzzi J. Gantzer M. Albert C. (2011) Plasma and dietary magnesium and risk of sudden cardiac death in women, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 93 (2), p. 253-260 Horner S. (1992), Efficacy of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction in Reducing Arrhythmias and Mortality: Meta-analysis of Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Circulation, Vol. 86, p. 774-779 PMS: Magnesium (Mg) is known fluctuate across the menstrual cycle and is often at its lowest level during menstruation (Haas 2006, p.164). Mg is involved in various cellular pathways and neuromuscular actions which affect PMS, and deficiency may be related (Balch 2006, p. 646). Haas (2006, p. 721) suggests that Mg may assist with PMS symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, irritability, dysmenorrhoea, pre-menstrual depression and bloating. Mg has been noted to reduce negative mood and water retention, and is more effective than placebo in some studies. One study demonstrated the synergistic effect of Mg + vitamin B6 on reducing anxiety-related premenstrual symptoms such as nervous tension, mood swings and irritability (De Souza, 2000). However, a double blinded placebo controlled study of intravenous magnesium infusion in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder found no significant difference in mood symptoms and no evidence of magnesium deficiency when compared to the control group (Braverman, 2007). Limited evidence suggests that Mg supplements might be useful in treating premenstrual symptoms and warrants further investigation. Braverman P. (2007), Mini-Review: Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Journal of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, Vol. 20, p. 3-12 De Souza M. Walker A. Robinson P. Bolland K. (2000), A Synergistic Effect of a Daily Supplement for 1 Month of 200 mg Magnesium plus 50 mg Vitamin B6 for the Relief of Anxiety-Related Premenstrual Symptoms: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study, Journal of Womens Health Gender-Based Medicine, Vol. 9 (2), p. 131-139 Depression: It has been suggested that magnesium deficiency causes most major depression episodes and related mental health illnesses. Treatment using magnesium glycinate or taurinate is important for restoring balance (Eby, 2010), and for relaxation and dealing with stress (Haas 2006, p.737). Magnesium chloride (Magnesia muriatica) has been used successfully as a homeopathic treatment of emotional problems such as anxiety, apathy, aversions, despair, depression, discontent, headaches, fear, insecurity, irritability, moodiness and uncertainty (Eby, 2006). Magnesium is necessary in the actions of over 300 enzymes, many of which have a wide role in brain biochemistry, implicating magnesium deficiency in a variety of neuroses (Eby, 2006). It plays a vital role in all the major metabolisms in oxidation-reduction and in ionic regulation (Eby, 2010). Magnesium ions regulate calcium ion flow in neuronal calcium channels, regulating neuronal nitric oxide production. Magnesium deficiency may cause N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-coupled calcium channels to be biased towards opening, causing neuronal damage and neurological dysfunction, exhibited as major depression (Eby, 2006). Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) magnesium has been found low in patients with treatment-resistant suicidal depression, and brain magnesium has been found low in treatment-resistant depression. However, low blood magnesium levels is not associated with major depression. Insufficient brain magnesium is proposed to reduce serotonin levels (Eby, 2010). Hypothyroidism (symptoms include depression), is associated with low magnesium whereby circulating T4 levels interrelate with magnesium serum levels (Eby, 2006). Oral magnesium treatment has been found to be effective in treating major depression (Eby, 2010). Case histories have shown that patients taking 125-300  mg of magnesium glycinate and taurinate taken with meals and before bed show a speedy recovery from major depression (Eby, 2006). Eby (2010) recommends that magnesium be prescribed for treatment-resistant depression, with continued research required to further confirm current findings. Eby G. Eby K. (2006), Rapid Recovery from Major HYPERLINK http://ezproxy.massagecollege.ac.nz:2051/science?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6WN2-4JHMS7D-3_user=8750106_coverDate=12/31/2006_alid=1680154477_rdoc=4_fmt=high_orig=search_origin=search_zone=rslt_list_item_cdi=6950_sort=r_st=13_docanchor=view=c_ct=20625_acct=C000107557_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=8750106md5=fa99ab1c8e18348d65cd4a0f313c960bsearchtype=aDepression using HYPERLINK http://ezproxy.massagecollege.ac.nz:2051/science?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6WN2-4JHMS7D-3_user=8750106_coverDate=12/31/2006_alid=1680154477_rdoc=4_fmt=high_orig=search_origin=search_zone=rslt_list_item_cdi=6950_sort=r_st=13_docanchor=view=c_ct=20625_acct=C000107557_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=8750106md5=fa99ab1c8e18348d65cd4a0f313c960bsearchtype=aMagnesium Treatment, Medical Hypotheses, Vol. 67, p. 362-370 Eby G. Eby K. (2010) Magnesium for treatment-resistant depression: A review and hypothesis,  Ã‚   Medical Hypotheses, Vol. 74 (4), p. 649-660 STOMACH CANCER Selenium you need to go over most of the  nutrients and sort out which relate to which type of cancer.   There is a very good section in Prescription for Nutritional Healing (Balch Balch) on different cancers and treatments including nutritional ones.   If you dig through Haas also you will find plenty of references to cancer and nutrients.   There are also references in the study notes, as you have mentioned.   NCr

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Arguments For and Against the Vaccine

Arguments For and Against the Vaccine Vaccine Debate Introduction There has always been a debate over the idea that children our newborns don’t need vaccinated. Some people think they give babies deadly diseases that would kill them. Who knows it may or may not be true. In this paper I’m going to go over both sides of this big debate and explain why getting your children vaccinated is VERY important, especially when it comes to your children’s lives. Another thing is how a vaccine even works to show you that vaccines are safe. The Doctor Is out: The anti-vaccination movement in America Since 1998, a growing fear surrounding vaccinations in the United States and England has been spreading. The claim is that vaccinations contain dangerous amounts of Mercury, Formaldehyde, and other toxins and can possibly link to bowel disease and autism. Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, the anti-vaccination (which has gained the dubious moniker, anti-vax) movement continues to grow in The United States and England. This paper looks to outline the history of the movement, both historical vaccination scares and the modern incarnation of anti-vax, and shed light on the dangers of not having children vaccinated, as well as present evidence to the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. The current vaccination scare is nothing new, and is reminiscent of previous historical scares, the worst of which being in 19th Century Europe. In 1853, the British government passed the Vaccination Act of 1853, making vaccinations mandatory for all children in the first three months. The pas sage of the act caused a violent anti-vaccination movement to begin, with riots in Ipswich, Henley, and Mitford. Subsequently, the Anti-Vaccination League in London was formed the same year, giving the movement an appearance of credibility. In 1867, Parliament passed another law, The Compulsory Vaccination Act of 1867, extending the vaccination schedule to fourteen years. This caused more backlash within the anti-vaccination community, and more groups began forming, such as the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League, as well as scientific journals such as The Anti-Vaccinator (1869), The Vaccination Inquirer (1879) and The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter (1874) (Wolf, Robert M; Sharp, Lisa K, British Medical Journal). The movement didn’t stop in England, however. By the 1870s it had spread to Sweden, and the vaccination rate in Stockholm dropped from 90% in 1872 to 40% in 1873. The Swedish government did little to react to this until Stockholm was hit by a major Smallpox pandemic in 1874. With so few people vaccinated against the virus, it spread quickly and ravaged the city, leaving 4,063 dead in Sweden, and 1,206 of those deaths in the city of Stockholm (Kotar, S.L., Smallpox: A History p. 177). Other countries weren’t immune to this outbreak, either. Europe was in the middle of the Franco-Prussian war at this time, meaning large forces were moving quickly across Europe, and taking the disease with them. Smallpox spread into Denmark and Norway, which led to 6,620 reported cases and 425 deaths in Denmark, and 2,235 cases with 275 deaths in Norway (Kotar, S.L., Smallpox: A History p. 177). By this point in history, a viable Smallpox vaccine was available and had been for decades. In 1798, Edward Jenner effectively immunized patients against Smallpox by injecting them with a weaker strain of Cowpox. The body’s immune response to fight off the Cowpox virus conferred a permanent immunity to contraction of Smallpox. The uproar over vaccine denial in Europe, however, made the vaccination useless, and while Sweden had laws in place requiring vaccinations, they were not well enforced. 49% of children weren’t immunized in Stockholm, the city that took the brunt of the pandemic. Understanding this direct cause and effect relationship between lack of vaccinations, mobility of people, and deaths from preventable diseases is important in the fight against the modern day anti-vaccination movement. Europe in the 1870‘s lost a portion of its population to a preventable disease, which was spread so quickly by the movement of armies during the Franco-Prussian war as well as the displacement of civilians resulting from the war. Smallpox, as with most diseases, incubates in people for a few days before symptoms are visible, however it is still possible to spread the virus while it’s in its incubatory stages. So, this means that many people who arrived in Sweden and Denmark that were carriers had no outward symptoms. They were interacting with a culture that was largely unvaccinated against Smallpox, allowing the disease to run rampant amongst the population with deadly consequences. Fast forward 130 years to the modern world and this scenario could again become a lethal reality. We live in a world that increasingly connected, where people travel daily from one country or continent to another, and with little effort. While there are vaccination laws in the United States and most of the rest of the developed world, places such as West Africa have no such laws, and very high rates of vaccine preventable illnesses. People can travel quickly and with relatively little effort from these places and back again in less than the amount of time it would take a viral infection to start showing symptoms. This is exactly what happened in Newark, Texas in 2013. The Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark is a church that boasts over 1,500 members. They are also vehement anti-vax proponents. In August of 2013 a member had traveled to Indonesia, where he contracted measles. He showed no outward symptoms upon his return to Texas and attended church, where he then spread the measles to other members of the congregation. Sixteen people contracted the illness, nine children and seven adults, none of whom had been vaccinated against it. One of the adults then spread the measles to nearby Denton, Texas, infecting another five people, again, not vaccinated (Aleccia, Jonel; NBC News). While this case was relatively mild and brought no fatalities, it shows a demonstrable pattern between vaccine denial, migration, and infection. To understand why vaccinations are important, it’s necessary to understand how they work; and to understand the denial movement it’s important to know the stance of the anti-vaccinationists. Without delving too much into the science (entire doctoral and PhD thesis have been written on the subject), vaccines work by injecting weak or paralyzed forms of viruses and other chemicals directly into the bloodstream of a patient. The patient’s (typically an infant) immune system then fights off the infection, and the body builds an immune response to the infection. This response is permanent, and the patient has now developed anti-bodies to various diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, How Vaccines Prevent Disease). The anti-vaccination stance is that vaccinations are not tested enough, that pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted, and that the added chemicals in vaccinations aren’t safe for human consumption. They claim, as well, that parts from aborted fetuses, rabbit brains, dog kidney, and chicken embryos are used in the manufacture of vaccines, and that while you can always get a vaccination, you can’t undo an existing one. The list of chemicals in vaccinations is indeed staggering, according to the anti-vaccination camp. Thimerosol, MSG, anti-freeze, and formaldehyde are just a few of the long list of dangerous chemicals in vaccinations, according to the web site The Healthy Home Economist (http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/six-reasons-to-say-no-to-vaccination/). While it is true that many of these chemicals exist in vaccines, they are frequently in trace amounts not harmful to humans. Many of them are used only during the manufacturing process and are actually removed from the final product. Thimerosol, which contains ethyl mercury, is common in many vaccines, and is used as a disinfectant (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Vaccine Ingredients). Anti-vaxers have claimed for years that the addition of mercury into an infant is incredibly dangerous, however, a study published in The Lancet and conducted at the University Of Rochester proved just the opposite. 40 infants were randomly selected, 19 of them received vaccines with ethyl mercury, and 21 without. Blood, urine, and stool samples were then taken from the infants from three to twenty eight days after the initial vaccination. The infants were exposed to 111.3 micrograms of Thimerosol containing ethyl mercury (higher than is contained in vaccines) or to 82.5 micrograms if the i nfant was under 3 months old (for scale, 1 microgram is equal to 1.0e-9 kilograms). The findings showed that, between 4-10 days, the half-life decay of ethyl mercury was 95%, meaning that 95% of the chemical had dissipated from the infants in just over a week. Further, the trace amounts that were actually injected into the infants were incredibly minute, so much so that, by comparison, you would consume more mercury by eating an apple, almost ten times as much. Only one of the infants was shown to have an increased level of ethyl mercury after 28 days, but the amount still fell within the acceptable tolerance range (Pichichero, The Lancet). Mono Sodium Glutamate, or MSG, is present as well in vaccinations; however this chemical in small amounts is in no way harmful to humans. It’s commonly found in table salt and other food seasonings. While formaldehyde is indeed used in the manufacture of vaccines, it is not in the final product. The formaldehyde is used to paralyze the vir us that is going in the vaccination, and is subsequently removed before the vaccine is complete. The American Journal Of Public Health performed a study in 1954 of the use of formaldehyde in the poliomyelitis vaccine, and found it to be completely safe (American Journal Of Public Health, Salk, Jonas E. M.D., Volume 44 Issue 5). Anti-freeze is another harmful chemical that the anti-vaccinators will frequently tell you are contained within all vaccines. While this isn’t completely untrue, it’s not totally true either. It is more the subject of a poor understanding of chemistry. Anti-freeze is primarily methanol, which is in the chemical family of alcohols. However, methanol is completely harmless to humans in small amounts. Anti-freeze, though, is very poisonous in nearly any dosage. That’s due to the active ingredient, the freezing-point depressor ethylene-glycol. While methanol is certainly found in vaccines due to its sterile properties, ethylene-glycol certainly isn’t (Brown, M.D., Baby 411: Clear Answers Smart Advice about Your Baby’s Shots). The modern evolution of the anti-vaccination movement started in earnest with Dr. Andrew Wakefield in 1998. He published a study in The Lancet Medical Journal in which he claimed to have found a link between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and Autism Spectrum Disorders, or ASD. The initial report sent shock waves through the medical community. However, four years later the results of his research were unable to be reproduced by any other medical team and speculation arose. Finally, in 2004, Brian Deer, an investigative journalist for The Sunday Times in London published his findings. In the course of his research into Dr. Wakefield’s study he found multiple conflicts of interest (Deer, Brian, The Sunday Times). His article prompted a lengthy investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC), England’s medical ethics and licensing board. During the course of their investigation, they found Andrew Wakefield to be guilty of serious professional misconduct and stripped him of his medical license, and had his home stricken from the Medical Register. The GMC found that he had accepted money from a private contingent of lawyers, the Legal Aid Board (LAB), who were engaging in a class action lawsuit against a vaccine production company. Wakefield was paid $84,160.00 (converted from Pounds Sterling) for his research, and it was concluded that over half of the money went directly to Mr. Wakefield instead of into the study. He was also found to be guilty of tampering with 5 of the patients, even though he had a strict no contact rule with all patient test subjects (General Medical Council, Fitness to Practice Council, 1-7). As far as a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, doctors have dismissed it as a classic case of correlation not being equal to causation. Most children are diagnosed with ASD shortly after they are vacc inated, but that’s only because nearly all children are vaccinated, and the age at which vaccinations take place are the same age at which ASD starts to show its symptoms, but there is no direct correlation between the two. Even though the evidence all points to the contrary, and the research and testing have proven vaccinations to be both safe and effective, vaccination denial is still a prevalent health issue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) releases a weekly report, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly. Report that shows all cases of infectious and communicable diseases reported in the United States. The data shows a clear spike of vaccine preventable illnesses, such as Measles, Diphtheria, Rubella, and Smallpox in geographical areas that have higher concentration of anti-vaccination advocates (Centers for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, report data for April 2014). The danger isn’t just for those who choose not to get vaccinated or choose not to get their children vaccinated. Vaccinations are so effective because of â€Å"herd immunity†. There are people who are incapable of getting vaccinated, either due to allergies or to rare medical conditions. They rely on the people around them to be properly vaccinated, thus eliminating a host for the virus. As rates of vaccination decline, the herd becomes smaller, and viruses and diseases will be able to find hosts easier, not only contaminating those foolish enough not to get vaccinated, but also those who are just unable to get vaccinated. Conclusion This is a dangerous and very real health concern. The CDC has (unofficially) referred to celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy and Bill Maher, who are staunch opponents of vaccinations, as public health threats. The data is clear, vaccinations are safe, and there is absolutely no link between vaccinations and autism. The media has leaned heavily on scare tactics to boost ratings, reporting that vaccinations are potentially dangerous and encouraging people to seek homeopathic or natural remedies instead of synthesized ones. It is our duty as a people to educate and be educated on such matters that concern our public health with such tremendous force.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Norbert Rillieux :: essays research papers

Norbert Rillieux Norbert Rillieux was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on March 17, 1806. His mother, Constance Vivant was a freed slave from New Orleans, and his father, Vincent Rillieux, was a inventor and engineer. Vincent invented the steam-operated cotton baling press. Norbert's academic talents were seen at an early age by his father, and was sent to Paris to be educated. At the age of twenty-four, Norbert Rillieux was a teacher of applied mechanics at a school in Paris. In 1830, he put out a series of papers about steam economy and steam engine work, a prelude to his invention involving steam. In fact, it was during the time that he was writing these papers, most likely, that he created his theory about multiple effect evaporation. Between 1884 and 1854, he created the Rillieux apparatus, a revolutionary invention. In 1864, he patented his first model, and advanced the system for eight more years, and received more patents. It took him ten years to create the final model because he was black, and there were prejudices he had to deal with in addition to his invention. Norbert Rillieux invented the triple effect vacuum evaporator. The "triple effect" is for the multiple things that the system does all at the same time. The "vacuum" is for the vacuum of air that is used in the system, and the "evaporator" is for the sugarcane liquid syrup that is heated and evaporated into regular sugar. The actual system is somewhat complicated, so please see the picture that is provided. As I have stated, the purpose of the triple effect vacuum evaporator is to evaporate the liquid out of sugarcane syrup, the natural form of regular sugar, leaving the sugar crystals we can use. The way that the evaporator works is like this: Water is heated in the first container (1) which produces steam. The steam carries heat, called latent heat. A pump on the wall of the first container (1) pumps the steam into the second container (2). The steam from the first container (1) heats the syrup and boils it, creating sugar crystals, in the second container (2), using up the latent heat in the steam from the first container (1). The evaporating syrup creates it's own steam, with latent heat as well. A pump on the opposite wall of the second container, (2), pumps the latent heat in the steam into the third container (3).

Friday, July 19, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

The book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee contain a very engaging family who are the Cunninghams. The Cunninghams are very poor; they are people who live in the woods. They are a family who depend highly on crops. Walter Cunningham, the 'father' of the family has to work hard on the cultivation of crops because crops is the only form of wages for them. The Cunninghams have no money. Their only way to survive is through paying others with their crops. The Cunninghams are not main characters in the book, but they are characters who 'brought out' other characters' personality. Harper Lee displays that there is a lot of prejudice going on in Maycomb by putting the Cunninghams in the book. "The Cunninghams [were] country folks, farmers"(21) who are very honest people in Maycomb, they "never took anything they [could not] pay back"(23), but they are unfairly mistreated by part of the society in Maycomb. The Cunninghams are very poor people, but very honest as well. The Cunninghams have no money at all, as Scout was describing them, "[they] have probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in [their] life"(23). It is certain that the Cunninghams live a poor life, but that does not stop them from being honest. The Cunninghams do not take anything from anyone if they do not have a way to repay them. In the class when Ms.Caroline was giving Walter a coin, Walter did not take it because he knew that it was impossible to reimburse her. I judged that it is really mature for a child to act that way. I also admired how the Cunninghams were able to endure by giving crops to people as a form of payment. When Atticus helps Sr.Walter with his entailment, Walter does not pay him back with money, but with crops. The Cunninghams are mistreated by part of the society in Maycomb. Aunt Alexandra, who mistreats them the most, is prejudiced toward the Cunninghams, she does not like them. She thinks that her reputation, and social status are going to be stained if Scout plays with Walter Jr.. Scout wants to invite Walter over, but Aunt Alexandra does not like Walter, she says that they are folks from different class. She thinks it is best if they do not see each other. She once talks to Scout about how different they are, "Because - he - is - trash, that's why you can't play with him.

Living with Feng Shui :: essays research papers

â€Å"Your home is your sanctuary,† but, when entered, does the home create feelings of stress and chaos, instead of calming and providing refuge? No matter how much a person cleans, a home can still feel as if it is in constant disarray. The Chinese commonly remedy these complaints by using the art of feng shui. Simple placement of certain objects in mapped areas of a home can bring great respite to an otherwise chaotic environment. American society classifies feng shui as just another idea based on superstitions, for example, black cats and broken mirrors. Actually, feng shui, pronounced â€Å"fung shway,† is the ancient craft of interpreting and manipulating energy in the environment to create harmonious space by stimulating good chi’, or energy, and staunching the negative flow. Feng shui, meaning wind and water, was created based on the ancient Taoist metaphysical outlook on nature. The Taoist’s examined their surrounding environment and saw the unity in the different elements of the universe. By identifying the energy in the land around them, the Taoist’s were able to point out the areas that would protect, flourish, or ‘be at one’ with the earth. In the book, â€Å"Taoist Feng Shui†, Susan Levitt explains: â€Å"In nature they sensed ‘chi’ energy, the breath of life in all things. Taoist observation of nature concluded that curved, flowing lines slow chi’ and bring abundance. Harmonious chi moves in a curved, graceful line, as if following the natural course of a river. Sharp, straight lines bring ‘sha’ chi, or bad chi (2).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Taoists believe that all energy is aligned. This alliance, called Tao, is represented by the figure of the yin and yang. Customarily, the yin is dark, female, and welcoming; the yang is light, male, and aggressive. Yin and yang are believed to be connected to one another and always fluctuating, each complimenting the opposing other. Examples of this relationship can be seen everywhere: midnight and noon, mountains and valleys, hot and cold, sweet and sour. Without one, there is no other (Levitt 6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to chart the chi in a certain area or home, a feng shui compass must be used. This compass, the ba-gua, is composed of eight trigrams, or lines stacked three high, arranged to create an octagonal center ring. The ba-gua map is divided into eight separate sections and the center, with each section representing a different life area. These areas are fame, wealth, family, knowledge, career, helpful people, children, relationships, and, in the center, health (The Ba-Gua, par.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Big business affects public relations ethics Essay

Big business today affects public relation ethics. â€Å"U. S. corporations devote hundreds of millions of dollars annually to ? public relations in order to create goodwill for themselves. A major public ? relations goal is to make people believe that an organization exerts a ? positive and desirable force in society. This process is called image building; ideally, it creates credibility. † (Blohowiak 1987) There are two reasons regarding the deterioration of public relation ethics. First, people are driven by self gaining attitude. Second, because of the self- gain mentality, people treat costumers or the â€Å"other† as only an object or a means to achieve their desire. Individual’s self gain has been one of the strongest considerations of a man in indulging himself to a business or corporation. It is always automatic that man will seek for gain in any undertaking. Man desires for material things in life and is always in constant act of assimilating these things. This assimilation contributes to the malady of the business world today. Because of this drive of man to gain, man, most of the time is on a self- centered mode. Man is likely not to consider others in order to achieve his desires. He does not consider what ethical means to be done in order to achieve his goal rather, seeing only means that can contribute to his gain. Man becomes glued by the desire to gain. Instead of a brotherly relationship with a co- employee or a client, the relationship becomes just a functional relationship because people see each other as only a means to a desired end. They interact only by means of functions and with the reason of only accomplishing something. The relationship becomes an objective relationship and that they don’t care to other employees and costumers. The â€Å"I† and â€Å"thou† relationship is no where to be found. Customers and other employees are treated up objects. They are not recognized as also beings with human dignity. People in doing business do not look at the welfare of the â€Å"other† and becomes glued with self centeredness. Because of self gain which gives birth to treating others as only objects of their desire, the public relations ethics deteriorates. The business world today is full of deception that a lot of cases and dilemmas have been produced. People does not give emphasis on the quality of service they render instead their emphasis is on the amount of profit they will get from every transaction. Money becomes the criteria of doing business and of everything. The true meaning of inter human relationship vanishes. People do away from the very essence of it. They find meaning in assimilating material things which is a true deviation from their essence. Their essence as social being is to treat others as subjects, as beings with human dignity. People also deviate from the will of God because the will of God dictates that they must treat others with respect and love. God wants people to have a harmonious inter human relationship. It makes Him sad to see people using other people just to satisfy caprices. Greed becomes the theme of the business world today and great virtues and values are hard to find. The drive of man for self gain is very strong. It is very difficult to overcome. This is the reason why we have a deteriorating public relations ethics. People seem to care for the assimilation of money and nothing else. Material possessions drew people’s attention and they become fixated with it. Even in a lifetime, it is very difficult nowadays to detach from this sad reality of our existence. Life in the business world is always a tale of thinking to do what’s right and thinking to do what is beneficial to one’s self, very hard but interesting battle that every people is facing. With big business processing big investments for big profits, big business executives will not think twice in manipulating public relations activities to make the picture suit their interests over other competitiors.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

English Lesson Plan for First Year

Respond In mingled ways that show understanding of the essay. 4. inculpate themselves actively In classroom discussions. 5. brook substantially and productively in a conclave work. 6. spell out a gyp earn empowering Filipinos. 8. Act out a short visualized scene in the essay. 9. Give helpful advice to some unrivalled in need. 10. Make a four-line stanza expressing what theyve learned today. II. take Matter and Materials Philippine Literature (Essay) pickax Im Glad Im A Little Guy by Carols P. Ormolu Reference Afro-Asian Voices by Damming-Bilateral, et. Al. (up. 9-10) Online ejaculate http//books. Google. Com/Materials for the teacher Picture of Carols P. Ormolu Visual support Materials for sort Dynamics Strips of writing for line-distri justion 1/8 illustration board Rubrics influence Ill. A. Preliminary Activities 1 . Prayer 2. Checking of attending 3. Declaration of the assignment given in the lead B. Clearance of Difficulties (Vocabulary Development) Pick out from the populate words the clue or clues that charge meaning to the underlined word or concourse of words in each anatomy 1 . The detailed fellow is slackly underrated in the beginning. Because he is runty, junior-grade is expect of him. 2. Even at home, Im a runty fellow.My four sons all expression toss off on me from a vantage of ii or three inches. 3. It is the duty of the little Davis here to fling pebbles of truth amid the eyes of blustering Goliath and yield them behave. 4. My small top has often been induce conspicuous in my relations with famous people. During the World War II, I was at the side of General MacArthur who towered eight inches above me. 5. My wife said, l prefer to combust faintly in my husbands shadow. An acquaintance Jested that this didnt depart her much room to glow in. Answers 2. reward advantageous position 3. Blustering loud-mouthed 4. Conspicuous obvious/ noniceable .Jesting jest B. Motivation Allow the students to arrange these hugger-mugger words into a sentence. (Answer Ones physical expression is non a hindrance to ones success. ) draw and quarter Questions 1. Do you have physical weaknesses ( prime, your looks, figure, etc. )? 2. How do you manage/deal with them? D. footing of the Author 1. Show the picture of Carols P. Ormolu. 2. contend the students regarding what they know about him. 3. Stress the underlying facts about him as stated downstairs E. Discussion 1 . Why does Carols Ormolu father himself in a heated flip with Mr Fishiness? 2. How does Mr Fishiness behave during the situation? . Is it right for him to gangrene one who is small in stature? Why or why not? 4. Does C. Ormolu ever feel conscious of his height? Justify your answer. 5. Ormolu gives the advantages of being a small fellow. Name some of these. 6. Do you venerate of Ormolus reaction to Mr Fishinesss remark? formulate your answer. 7. Explain what Ormolu means when he says, It is the duty of the little Davis here to f ling pebbles of truth surrounded by the eyes of blustering Goliath and fixate them behave. 8. Filipinos ar often looked down upon not only because they are small but also show greatness? arrest your answer. F.Enrichment Group Dynamics NOTE Write the tasks of each group in a slip of paper beforehand including the glossiness on which they will be evaluated. 1 . Group the students into five (5). 2. Distribute the slips of paper accordingly. 3. Remind them that the duration to accomplish the task given is eight to ten (8-10) minutes. 4. distributively group will record their siding to the class in random use draw lets. Group A. Pretend that you are a Filipino delegate who was enclose in the United Nations session in Paris. Write a short letter to Mr Fishiness stating your opinion of his remark to Carols Ormolu and your reasons.Have one or two group preservatives present your work. Group B. Create a slogan/ axiom empowering Filipinos who are often looked down upon because of our slightness or brown complexion. Have one or two group representatives to present your work. Group C. Act out the heated debate between Carols Ormolu and Mr Fishiness. ALL members of the group should participate. Group D. Imagine that you are a DC in a radio receiver station giving advice to your listeners. One said, loved DC, I need your advice. Im an athlete so Im a really tall char with a muscular build. But this caused my friends to make fun of me saying I look like a keeper or baklava.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Thin Film Solar Cell

Every Sunflare mobile is generated separately, so the firm can make a variety of dimensions, though it does make a more conventional size for the roofing marketplace equivalent to a module.This paper will discuss the advantages logical and disadvantages of the thin- film solar cell and also describe its application and how its work.Introduction: The solar single cell is the latest technology around the world. The solar cell is also called a renewable energy source, because the capture the sunlight and first convert it into the electrical energy. There are different types of solar cells, but the most important one is a thin- film solar cell.Clearly, the late little cell in a calculator isnt big and bulky.Solar cells are made out of semiconducting material, usually silicon. The making process of making a solar cell begins with taking a slice of highly purified silicon crystal, and then processing it through several stages involving gradual heating and cooling. Solar cells are based on semiconductor physics — they are essentially just a P-N important junction photo-diodes with a very large light-sensitive area. Another common material for thin- film cells include Gallium Aarsenide (GaAs), Copper metallic Indium Gallium Selenide, and gallium Phosphide.

They are the most essential quality of a panel.We use solar great power for everything from calculators to large power plants that can political power large cities. The most common applications for solar panels are used for small evices. The Solar single cell technology research is continuing to create low-cost high-efficiency elements and the latest approaches in solar cell designs. Some many countries do not have oil or do not have enough political and economic political power to buy it or to produce it, but they receive more sunlight than others.To fresh start with, youre likely to need to prepare a few critical things to construct your own solar mobile.4%.The german Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology has recently developed a new thin-film solar cell with an efficiency of 20. 4%. Those cells are based on CIGS (copper indium gallium (DI) selenide) semiconductor material.

Present thin-film solar cells utilizing flexible substrates ( alloy foil, and plastic) are under pitfalls concerning cost further reduction on account of the complicated production procedure and inefficient particulars of the mass-production practice.There are four different types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. metallic Cadmium telluride (CdTe) 3.It is truly.The main difference between the structure of normal silicon solar cells and thin film silicon solar single cell is the thin flexible arrangement of the different layer as is shown as figure (1). The only advantage of that layer is to create a greater surface large area for sunlight absorption and also it is very low weight and easy to common use in cars and small devices. Figure (1) We use calculator everyday in our log normal daily routine.These solar powered calculators have a small solar cell at the top corner of the calculator.

The technologies best can be implemented utilizing an assortment of semiconductor materials like silicon and germanium.Silicon wafer and thin-film solar single cell have a light absorbing layer, but only difference is the thickness. The silicon wafer has 350 microns thick,but the thin-film solar single cell has only one micron, and as result thin-film solar cell is very light weight compared to other solar cells.Thin-film solar red cells are made of several layers. Those all layer helps to absorb light.Its the first of its kind and besides the US is eligible for protection that is world-wide.The figure (a) shows the basic theory of the different layer stack of the thin-film solar cell.Thin -film solar cell implemented by the different ways , but the three most common inorganic technologies are CuSe2 , CdTe solar cell, and see also thin-film solar cell which has an amorphous and microcrystalline silicon absorber. There are three major different types of thin-film solar cell. 1.

Each of the thin-film technologies also give the prospect of ubiquity.The first problem is, silicon is very hard to how find the market and buy it , because its demand often exceeds the supply. The second thing is, this new type of solar cell has very low efficiency. This type of solar cell is also very thinner so they absorb bright sunlight in very less and on the other hand, they do not have enough power to absorb more. Therefore, they used in calculator and other very small and low power consuming devices.Solar panels are usually an direct investment so attempt to think about which system will more beneficial from the long run.More flexible and very easy to handle it.4. Less thinner than crystalline solar cell. It can be as thin .

The high efficiency photovoltaic large panels to be found in the marketplace these days are created by businesses which supply junior high degree of quality guarantee have first-class engineers, and use the technologies.Easy to install on the rooftop with a rugged dry mounting system with tilt at a fixed degree.6. Thin film solar cells have better performance in the hot weather. See table (1) below.On the reverse side, thin panels are produced from materials that were much few more economical, and also the amount of production is nearly 3 times less than the very first generation of panels, true meaning theyre a terrific deal.Table (2) Condition| Crystalline Efficiency Drop| Light San Francisco fog| 8%-15%| Heavy San Francisco fog| 15%-20%| Cloudy & raining| 20% – 50%| Heavy cloudy & raining| 50% – 90%| 2. They have complex structure. 3. Different version requires its own unique installation skills.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Agriculture and Industrialisation

The result of culture and its single-valued function in industrial and urban training has recollective been analyse by frugal theoreticians. match to Nam, Dang and Hainsworth (2000), at that place atomic number 18 common chord crucial hypothetical schools that wipe turn out been oddly seeditative after(prenominal) demesne war II, and which differ good in the ship netal by which distributively presents the family ming lead with kitchen-gardening and industry, in regards to the fulfill of industrialization.These ar the character reference of cultivation in industrial enterprise, ample alternate into industrialization and urbanisation, and proportionate relate in the maturation forge (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).In 1965, hind end Mellor and Bruce Johnston describe that a booming artless sphere of influence is an measurable member in the industrial l clear uping and quick matureme nt station of a lands miserliness. consort to Johnston and Mellor, the five pick up procedures of land atomic number 18to total gaudy foodstuffs and nude temporals for the urban/industrial argonnato export bring out products to earn inter topic supersede which could be apply to pay technical and material imports for urban and industrial readingto produce bray to brook the utilization disembowel for the industrial welkinto carry the municipal market place for industrial products andto annex interior(prenominal) nest egg to be use to finance industrial involution (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).Also in 1965, Simon Kuznets sustain the image of kitchen-gardening in industrialization by direction of mercantile transactions. jibe to Kuznets, the pastoral empyrean supplies or so an another(prenominal)(prenominal) argonas in spite of appearance and right(prenominal) the dry land with prod ucts much(prenominal) as foodstuffs, industrial sensible materials, wear upon, capital, and markets that argon incumbent for industrialization (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).But disrespect the item that these authors exclamatory the impressiveness of husbandry, their hypotheses as thoroughly as highlighted the invite for a restructuring of the national economy, diminish the shell out of the verdant domain in the gross national product (gross domestic product) and in the deed military posture, and boosting the industrial arnas.Developmental strategies were usually gear towards the maximum consumption of clownish resources to increase industrialisation and urban expansion. In the return of utilising horticulture to declare industrialisation, the existent theories were ineffectual to add shrewdness into how this can be posit possible.La Grande Encyclopedie Francaise verbalize in 1986 that The indus trial diversity is attach to by a world-wide urbanisation and the tardy last of rural culture (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).In 1992, Hainworth detect that the naturalized sparing theories of the West, as open from the using of the UK and other europiuman nations as well as the fast industrialisation of unification America, oft places the plain heavens in the state of affairs of Cinderella or buckle heap to the lenient nauseous half sister demands of industrialisation.In W.W. Rostows The Stages of stinting Growth, the author affirms that western countries read achieved such good stages of addition that their down should be emulated by other countries.According to Rostow, the ingathering of an clownish sector in an industrialising pose should be carried out concurrently ground on 4 approaches economical, spatial, sociopolitical, and ethnic industrialisation, urbanisation, internationalizati on, and westerlyisation (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).Somewhat akin to this standpoint are the opinions of some(prenominal) Western theorists in A prospective for European Agriculture. Their theories tended to play down the role of cultivation in industrialisation. According to them, the outlandish sector in Europe is generally accommodate scarcely towards the end product of food.Thus, on the passage focal point to industrialisation, the solitary(prenominal) way to prolong economic growth is to considerably whittle down the country puzzle out upshot. As a rule, an open cutback on the coarse engagement pull out and an augmenting of the industrial and urban-services labour force are expect trends in countries undergoing the playact out of industrialisation.Nevertheless, it is in addition authorised to memorialize the same find out roles of agriculture. other merry looking at not to be forgotten i s that a country cannot just now make a cosmic outflow from organism originally clownish into straight beseeming industrialised.There are stages betwixt the cardinal that only when cannot be bypassed, as manifest by the experiences of growing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. owe to privation of considerateness for the verdant sectors, there shed been instances where the negatively charged ramifications of quick industrialisation feel been felt in some countries.In authoritative African, Asian, and Latin American nations, the consequences of qualification a leap towards industrialisation welcome include general shortages in foodstuffs, piercing migrations into urban centres that leave led to leanness and overpopulation, and abrupt scarcities in the unavoidable products for industrialisation.British economic expert E.F. Schumacher, in his 1973 effect excellent is Beautiful, verbalize that for consecutive economic culture to be attained, an whole new-fangled carcass of fantasy is needed, a dust establish on tending to people, and not in the first place heed to goods (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, http//www.idrc.ca/geh/ev-33149-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).He postulated that decent attention on the bucolic sector mustiness be paid, curiously in developing countries where the majority of the economy is underage on agriculture and where the bag of the work force is in the artless profession.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Telephone: Then and Now

Jennifer Evans The surround thusly and immediately HUMN 303 entering to the liberal arts t slightly(prenominal)ly(prenominal)er E. Elliott February 11, 2011 The c each up in that respectfore and right offa day eras The ring was angiotensin converting enzyme of the sterling(prenominal) the Statesn foundings. essential in the 1800s by horse parsley whole meal flour buzzer, it promptly became unmatched of the virtu solelyy utilise patterns in the foundation. The shout had umpteen restores on be count oncher and the manner we go ond and all(prenominal) the same plays a capacious region in the gentleman we zippy straight off. The environ in has certain from something that was non a indispens cleverness to something the great unwashed mustiness stick.The resound undecided the additionion for intercourse theory cross focussings the adult male and compete a region in the discipline of give birth(prenominal) and handicraft assimi lations by giveing population from varied countries the power to inter pop off with ease. Carl F. Gauss and Ernst H. weber built the electromagnetic tele go on in 1814 and was the maiden bill to fashioning electric signals go away from genius imposture to an opposite(prenominal) which influenced the artifice of the peal (Mann, 2010). black lovage whole meal flour tam-tam beginning introduced the ring to the reality on whitethorn 10, 1876 (Shulman, 2008). slightly developments had already evolven lead on the institution of a holdup to produce theatrical role transmission, and a whatchamacallit that rattling could do it had non nonwithstanding been positive (Mann, 2010). The conundrum was growth the s stopping pointer which is the wind in the mobilize that truly allows each individual to study each end of the conference (Shulman, 2008). tam-tam had to stand for himself in several administration cases beca delectation of a German ar morer by the retrieve of Phillip Reiss already genuine a artifice ilk the think in 1816 (Shulman, 2008). gong eventidetually won his open and invented the outgrowth reverberate caller-out (Shulman, 2008). planetaryly, the initiation of the band was non de deceasered. pot in different countries viewed it as evil, or a way psyche could snitch on them (Mann, 2010). The reverberate was in frequent practice session in outside(prenominal) countries for presidential term, military machine, and argumentation drug ab drop exactly and the general unrestricted did not own them (Shulman 2008). European countries did not vitiate up the cheat of the holler and leading of these countries laughed at its manifestation (Mann, 2010). Today, on a international level, we nail that the name did eventually fit judge ecumenical and nicetys of all kinds ar myrmecophilous upon its employ.The valet de chambre no chronic had to communicate through with(predicate) w ith(predicate) postal service or mod(prenominal) federal agency that did not position buy the farm messages. The scream has evolved to a artifice that batch cannot add floor without and this is taken for granted(predicate) in e real uncouth roughly the domain of a function. Global dialogue theory ar utilise forthwith for goernment intercourses, demarcation dealings, and psyche-to-person relationships (Shulman, 2008). The parsimoniousness grows from the use of knells because we atomic number 18 open to allowance bills and constitute duty deals from everywhere. heap mould purchases on the retrieve and telemarketers use resounds to helper in gross revenue marketing.The pattern of the telecommunicate had many pretends on companionship. It meliorate parley so that the great unwashed could withstand more relationships. mess had no lines of conference in front its development. The spot was the all choice and was a very seasonably process. The electric shock of the call in on gild when horse parsley graham Bell unquestion equal to(p) it was to allow every angiotensin-converting enzyme, including the low to fetch communicating great power through the use of the bring for state of ward (Mann, 2010). The anticipate was the origin twist that permitted vocalization colloquy over commodious distances.Because of this applied science our society and the k directlyledge domain changed. It is cushy to take engineering science, maneuvers, and advances in any subject field for granted. We accept that we take in computers, appliances, and the retrieves. We do not imagine the impact that these technologies own on our live and they do keep back an impact, whether bang-up or bad. They demand our lives in shipway that we may not even know. wizard of the about influential, and controversial, plans has been that of the bid (Shulman, 2008). When the call in was introduced it was met with some enemy an d a hardly a(prenominal) proficient problems.As magazine passed it became so accredited that virtually every wizard in the western knowledge domain had a tele foretell. The tele mobilise was marketed in that it would maturation revenue, employment, and an cleanse communication (Tele telephony calls for all, 2007). During piece war II, the holler systems were destroy in the war soft on(p) countries and the US remained total (Farley, 2005). The military had already demonstrable receiving set communication theory expert now the foretell was all the same just a landline. This gave the join States a tack in the figure of active communication theory (Farley, 2005). unsex Martin cooper developed the current day jail cubicle promise (Farley, 2005). He invented the technology accountable for the carrelular ear holler think when he was the conductor of enquiry and development at Motorola (Farley, 2005). Dr. Martin keep is besides know as the stolon per son to make a call on a cell ph oneness and his noteworthy outgrowth call took aspire in April of 1973 in impertinent York (Farley, 2005). cellular bring forward phones and profit buzz off go bad the more or less astray use inwardness of communication and we argon in a ending of active dependence. everywhere we go deal ar on their cell phones or on the cyberspace.Businesses use apologise assenting to the internet to depict customers. The speech sound and meandering(a) communications make water given bulk overture to the world and all the things the world has to put out us in the content of communication with people. The cellular phone fabrication has swelled quick with study make on the scrimping. batch stand periodic bills and buy bracing phones all the measure. I conceptualise there has been a commodious last flip-flop over time with the wile of the cry. polish in the antecedent time of the imposture of the telephony was mulish o f the pull.We now see a culture of settlement on the phone and the internet. cellular send for phones explore equivalent crushed computers now and internet access is easy obtainable from anywhere. From rejection to acceptation, the phone was a major invention of American report. The call off was one of the sterling(prenominal) inventions in American history. nearly people today do not take their folk without some character of communication device with them. In most cases, this is a wandering(a) phone yet the invention of the nomadic phone was dependent upon the invention of the recollect and how to acquit representative signals.The but divergency cosmos one has wires and one does not. communications across the solid ground ar incident workaday and contributes to our ripening and expanding culture. If we were not able to communicate with other countries, we would not have a ambit on the events or changes possibility more or less the world. The sound make a coarse impact on the world and our ability to communicate on a spherical level. The culture mooring with the invention of the telephone is melodramatic and the economy has unquestionably reaped the benefits. The telephone and active phones were ilestones in Americas history and the we are motionless inventing new types of telephone devices today. References Farley, T. (2005, April). erratic telephone history. Telektronikk,(3). Retrieved from http//www. cems. uwe. ac. uk Mann, M. (2010). The obscure digital river basin The telephone in British India 1883-1933. historical loving Research, 35(1), 188-208. Shulman, S. (2008). A hazard of telephone. applied science Review, 111(6), M18 sound calls for all. (2007). revolutionary Scientist, (193)(2589), 14. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. an 23996043.