Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Whale Riders Film Analysis
When choosing a film for this assignment, my original choice was crouch It Like Beckham because I had comprehend of it and I had a general brain what it was about. I then decided that I wanted to lay down on a more ch whollyenging film, one that I had never heard of, and one that I would genuinely have to study to under put forward its in effect(p) meaning. After looking into a few of the listed movies, I ended up choosing Whale Rider, a drama filmed in New Zealand in 2002. After watching the movie two times, I looking that I now understand some of the more drastic cultural and sexual practice based problems that are occurring today.The films plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana, yet she goes by the design Pai in the film. Pai is a 12-year-old girl who is the only re importanting child in the line of the folkss chiefly succession after the death of her twin crony and mother when she was born. By tradition, the attracter of the kindred should be the first-born son, o r a call descendant of Pais family. Yet because there is no direct male descendant, Pais grandfather Koro Apirana has to find the next male leader amongst their tribe.Koro is the current leader of the tribe and has to set up a serial publication of tasks that are required to compel the next leader of the tribe. Unfortunately, Pai is female and technically standnot inherit the leadership. Throughout the movie, Pais grandmother Nanny Flowers encourages her to train equitable as the boys of the tribe do to hopefully convince her grandfather to construct her the new leader. One of the final tasks to be named the tribe leader is to as certain(prenominal) a whales tooth from the sea by riding the linchpin of a whale out to sea, hence the name of the film creation Whale Rider.After watching this film, I feel that the director Niki Caro is seek to explore the ways that gender and power are exemplified in certain cultures slightly the world. I feel that the main example from this film involves the main character Pai world female and how that limits what she can and cannot do in her tribe. The tribes past history has constantly told them that a male should be leader and that females are to never be in power in any way, shape, or form. When the young boys are readiness with Koro to hopefully become the next descendent to be leader of the tribe, Pai is still not allowed to take part in the steadyts.I feel that gender issues are in addition present in the everyday life of people all around the world, not just in this particular small tribe. It is a turn out fact that in America, the average wage of men is higher than the average wage of women. Men also tend to hold higher bearings in various labor industries across the country. Gender discrimination has always been a major issue in numerous societies around the world, yet many feminists groups around the world are slowly making the issue diminish. another(prenominal) aspect of the film that Niki Caro ex plores is the way the power and domination affects the lives of anyone in a given society.In the film, Pais grandfather Koro exerts his power over Pai by informing her that she will never be leader of the tribe payable to her gender. Throughout the film he continuously tells her that she is the reason that the tribe whitethorn be at its final downfall. even though she did nothing wrong, her being female shake offs her grandfather feel let down. Koro is in charge of everything that the people of the tribe do on a regular basis. He is the mortal who makes all of the decisions and take fors all events. The presence of his power makes him seem like more of an intimidating figure who can control the lives of others.This leads to my first concept from our knowledge that was illustrated in Whale Rider which is Ideology of Patriarchy, or the structural assurance of men that is built into the institutions of society. Whale Rider exemplified the Ideology of Patriarchy suddenly becaus e of how Koro ran his tribe. For generations, this tribe was always told that a man is to be the leader. When Pai is the only stay family descendent, Koro becomes aggravated because she is female and will not be able to deliver on the tradition of men as leaders.As the movie progresses, you fetch to notice that Koro is slowly starting to accept the fact that maybe his granddaughter is vista to be a leader of their tribe. This leads to the second concept that I feel was expressed which is the idea of identification and the extent to which an individual is likely to make a decision that aligns with governmental objectives. When Koro originally has the feeling that Pai is not desirable to be leader, he is under the impression that he has to find someone outside of the family to take over his role once he passes.He soon profits that the real thing that he should be focusing on is keeping the leader role in the family. Identification is accomplished by accepting the importance of fa mily and what it means to be true and respecting of those who are circumferent to you in your life. The theory of identification also carries over to idea of the control that Koro has over his tribe. When Koro initially begins scouting young boys around the tribe in order to find his next leader, he set up training and a series of tasks each person needed to succeed with.Koro exerts what is my three concept of concertive control, or when explicit written rules are replaced by harsh understanding of valuates, objectives, and means of achievement, along with a deep appreciation for the organizations mission. During Koros training of the young boys, Pai was secretly training with her uncle who knows all of the ways of fighting and training needed to succeed. When Pai defeats a young savant of Koros in a fight, Koro becomes very upset but begins to realize that she may be the most suitable for the leader role.Koro eventually understands that the value of keeping the leadership role in the family is the most important objective, even if the descendant is female. This leads to the final concept that the film expresses which is the role of gender in society and the different aspects of how gender is treated in this particular tribe. From our readings, we lettered that gender is socially constructed depending on the societys specific views and morals. In this tribe, females are not able to hold any type of leadership role. We also learned that gender is learned and performed.Typical themes of femininity could be classified as sensitive, caring, beautiful, and in some cases accept negative treatment. Even though Pai had always grown up learning what it meant to be a girl and a woman, she had to learn certain aspect of masculinity in order to become leader of the tribe. She had to learn how to fight, how to train, and how hold a position of power of a group of people. Pai was able to show her family and the people of her tribe that a female can do anything a male can do and do it just as successfully. Whale Rider taught me a lot of different aspects the ways that people treat others in society.I have never agreed with the idea that men can always do things better than women, but this film really pressed that into my mind. I now have a whole new appreciation for feminists and everything that they stand for. Women have the uniform rights that men do and should be given the same amount of opportunities in life. I feel that Whale Rider was a great film that was able to show the viewers how power and control really affects people. This film was the perfect way to show the world what it really means to stick up for yourself and fight for what you believe in.
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