Thursday, February 28, 2019
Character Analysis of the Glass Menagerie
turkey cocks double role in The Glass Menagerieas a compositors case whose recollections the hunt documents and as a character who acts within those recollectionsunderlines the plays tension between objectively presented dramatic truth and computer memorys distortion of truth. Un standardized the other characters, tomcat sometimes addresses the earreach directly, seeking to provide a more detached explanation and mind of what has been happening onstage. solely at the same time, he demonstrates real and sometimes juvenile emotions as he weighs part in the plays action.This duality groundwork frustrate our understanding of Tom, as it is austere to see whether he is a character whose assessments should be trusted or unitary who all toldows his emotions to affect his judgment. It also shows how the nature of recollection is itself problematic memory frequently involves confronting a past in which unmatchable was less virtuous than one is now. Because The Glass Menagerie is partly autobiographical, and because Tom is a stand-in for the playwright himself (Williamss given name was Thomas, and he, like Tom, spent part of his young in St.Louis with an unstable mother and sister, his father absent a good deal of the time), we can apply this comment on the nature of memory to Williamss memories of his hold youth. leveling taken as a single character, Tom is entire of contradiction. On the one hand, he reads literature, writes poetry, and dreams of escape, adventure, and higher things. On the other hand, he seems inextricably bound to the squalid, petty world of the Wingfield household. We know that he reads D. H. Lawrence and follows policy-making developments in Europe, but the content of his intellectual life is otherwise hard to discern.We have no idea of Toms opinion on Lawrence, nor do we have any indication of what Toms poetry is about. All we learn is what he thinks about his mother, his sister, and his warehouse job simply the things from wh ich he claims he wants to escape. Toms attitude toward Amanda and Laura has puzzled critics. Even though he happenly cares for them, he is frequently indifferent and even cruel toward them. His speech at the close of the play demonstrates his strong feelings for Laura.But he cruelly deserts her and Amanda, and not once in the parentage of the play does he behave kindly or lovingly toward Lauranot even when he nocks d avow her glass menagerie. Critics have suggested that Toms confusing behavior indicates an incestuous attraction toward his sister and his shame oer that attraction. This theory casts an interesting light on certain moments of the playfor example, when Amanda and Tom discuss Laura at the end of Scene Five. Toms force per unit area that Laura is hopelessly peculiar and cannot survive in the outside world, while Amanda (and ulterior Jim) claims that Lauras oddness is a positive thing, could have as much(prenominal) to do with his jealous desire to keep his sister to himself as with Lauras own quirks. Amanda WingfieldIf there is a signature character type that tag Tennessee Williamss dramatic work, it is undeniably that of the faded southern belle. Amanda is a clear representative of this type. In general, a Tennessee Williams faded belle is from a self-aggrandizing Southern family, has received a traditional upbringing, and has suffered a reversal of economic and complaisant fortune at some point in her life. Like Amanda, these women all have a hard time coming to terms with their new-sprung(prenominal) status in societyand indeed, with modern society in general, which disregards the affectionate distinctions that they were taught to value.Their relationships with men and their families are turbulent, and they staunchly defend the values of their past. As with Amanda, their caution of genteel manners in very ungenteel surroundings can take care tragic, comic, or downright grotesque. Amanda is the plays most extroverted and histrionics c haracter, and one of modern American dramas most coveted female roles (the acclaimed stage actress Laurette Taylor came out of semi-retirement to play the role in the professional production, and a number of legendary actresses, including Jessica Tandy, have since taken on the role).Amandas constant nagging of Tom and her refusal to see Laura for who she really is are for sure reprehensible, but Amanda also reveals a willingness to sacrifice for her loved ones that is in numerous ways unparalleled in the play. She subjects herself to the humiliating drudgery of subscription sales in order to enhance Lauras marriage prospects, without ever uttering so much as a word of complaint. The safest conclusion to draw is that Amanda is not ugliness but is deeply flawed.In fact, her flaws are centrally responsible for the tragedy, comedy, and representation flair of her character. Like her children, Amanda withdraws from reality into fantasy. Unlike them, she is convinced that she is not doing so and, consequently, is constantly making efforts to engage with people and the world outside her family. Amandas monologues to her children, on the phone, and to Jim all reflect quite clearly her moral and mental failings, but they are also some of the most colorful and unforgettable words in the play.Laura Wingfield The physically and emotionally crippled Laura is the only character in the play who never does anything to hurt anyone else. Despite the weight of her own problems, she displays a pure compassionas with the tears she sheds over Toms unhappiness, described by Amanda in Scene Fourthat stands in stark contrast to the selfishness and grudging sacrifices that characterize the Wingfield household. Laura also has the fewest lines in the play, which contributes to her aura of selflessness.Yet she is the axis around which the plot turns, and the most prominent symbolsblue roses, the glass unicorn, the entire glass menagerieall in some sense represent her. Laura is as ra re and peculiar as a blue rose or a unicorn, and she is as subdued as a glass figurine. Other characters seem to assume that, like a piece of transparent glass, which is colorless until light shines upon it, Laura can take on whatever color they wish. Thus, Amanda both uses the contrast between herself and Laura to underscore the glamour of her own youth and to fuel her hope of re-creating that youth by means of Laura.Tom and Jim both see Laura as an exotic creature, completely and or else quaintly foreign to the rest of the world. Yet Lauras crush on the high school hero, Jim, is a rather ordinary school girlfriend sentiment, and a girl as supposedly fragile as Laura could hardly handle the years she spends walking the streets in the cold to avoid going to typing class. finished actions like these, Laura repeatedly displays a will of her own that defies others perceptions of her, and this will repeatedly goes unacknowledged.
Vegree in medicine Essay
The gentle breeze of summer is kissing the sift fields of a well known man named Pedro. His majestic tolerate is facing the fields as if they were being observed in a daily basis. Pedro is known for his kindness with his neighbors. He is able to help them in times of need and he is really ready for giving his surpass to the charity. Though he resides in a rural area, his sons and daughters were sent to urban places where they can have new information about the world. The schools or universities where his children champaign are of high quality.Moreover, one of his daughters often get high grades at school that he really becomes so proud of her. Their neighbors are acquire envious with the achievements that they get from the universities. Pedro thinks that he can retire at an previous(predicate) age given that there ordain be any(prenominal)one who will take care of the farms and, that will be his children who can make the air expand. One morning, Pedro empathized that there were already 6 months since he give-up the ghost saw his firstborn. The 20 year old girl was taking up a course in the premium University of their State and is trying hard-fought to pursue a degree in medicine.He named the girl Gennovive as the name may imply uniqueness and extravagance. Indeed, this girls teaching method costs the largest among the 3 children of Pedro. Since she is pursuing medicine, Pedro and his wife Hanami, get used to beholding her only once in a month. But this time is different. With a very troublesome afternoon, Gen was scolded by his father for having a number of weakness grades at school. This is the first time that the girl received those kinds of marls in the phratry cards. Emotions of Gen The sole reason why I got those grades is the difficulty of the subjects themselves. Those were the words Pedro conceive Gen told her the time they had the encounter. The only thing that Gen was concerned about was to help his popping in putting up a new busin ess and expanding their assets as she graduate from her school. She sobbed, closed herself in her dim lit room to conjecture her shortcomings during the previous semester. She has some faults, yes Letting someone get into her heart with much(prenominal) a close relationship and loving him whole heartedly. After some time, she found herself broken with the memories of her so-called boyfriend.Things that she could not confront with her dad, these are such examples. After that, she was too busy grieving for her loss only to realize how miserable she was with the mourning and crying. It was too late when she decided to take a step away from her past, from the man who actually stole her everything. Long awaited With some tears on Pedros face, he saw a silhouette of a girl who eventually approached her and hugged her with tears. Dad, I am forbidding . Both of them were over whelmed that they did not notice Hanami approaching.Gen told her father of how she coped with her sadness and t he reasons tour she failed the last semester. In turn, she gave her dad 3 medals that she garnered for some contests in their university positivist the news that she was chosen to be a delegate for the international rill for health. The whole house was very happy for her arrival. Just like the humbug of the Biblical Prodigal Son, Pedro invited his closest friends to have a dinner at their place to celebrate Gens come back and the victory of being chosen as the delegate of the nation.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Doing Business in Russia
ex air and Investment Chapter 5 Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards Chapter 6 Investment humor Chapter 7 Trade and Project Financing Chapter 8 Business excursion Chapter 9 Contacts, Market Research and Trade Events Chapter 10 Guide to Our go 1 6/7/2013 check to table of confine Chapter 1 Doing Business in Russia Market Overview Market Challenges Market Opportunities Market inlet Strategy Market Fact Sheet Link Market Overview fade to topWith a vast landmass, extensive natural resources, more than 140 zillion consumers, a growing fondness class, and to the highest degree unlimited substructure needs, Russia dust one of the most promising and eexciting marts for U. S. exporters. Russia is the earths 11th largest miserliness by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and 7th largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). It has the highest per capita GDP ($13,400) of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Russia is an upper middle income country, with a passing educated and trained workforce and sophisticated, discerning consumers.Russias economy is still recovering from the stinting crisis that began in 2008, with GDP harvesting estimated at 2. 8% for 2013. In terms of trade in goods, Russia was the fall in States 27th largest export market and the 16th largest exporter to the United States in 2012. Russia was the Statess 21st largest trading partner overall. U. S. exports to Russia in 2012 were $10. 7 meg, a new record and an increase of almost 30% from 2011. This is six time more than the growth rate for overall U. S. exports worldwide, which rose by 5%. Russian exports to the United States in 2012 were $29 billion, a decrease of 15% from 2011.Russias leading trade partners were recently Netherlands, China, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, and Turkey. U. S. accumulated investment in Russia is approximately $10 billion. According to Russian data, the United States is Russias tenth largest foreign investor. Russia joi ned the World Trade Organization (WTO) in disdainful 2012. This brought the worlds largest economy outside the WTO into the organization and bound it to a set of rules governing trade. Congress also enacted legislation to extend indissoluble normal trade relations to Russia in the same year.Russias social rank in the WTO go away liberalize trade with the rest of the world and clear opportunities for U. S. exports and investments. For industrial and consumer goods, Russias average bound tariff rate declined from almost 10% to under 8%. U. S. manufacturers and exporters will comport more sealed and predictable access to the Russian market as a publication of Russias commitment not to raise tariffs on any products higher up the negotiated rates. For American line of merchandisees, Russias accession to the WTO will also bring the undermentioned 3 More liberal treatment for service exports and service providers.Sthronger commitments for egis and enforcement of IPR. Ru les-based treatment of agricultural exports. Market access under country-specific tariff-rate quotas. Improved hydrof oil color in trade-related rule-making. More effective WTO dispute resolution mechanisms. The United States is running(a) vigorously to expand bilateral trade and investment cooperation to benefit twain Russia and the United States. In the last several years, the imperative atmosphere resulting from the readjust of bilateral relations has led to an unprecedented advance in economic cooperation between our countries.From 2009 to 2011, U. S. exports to Russia rose markedly by about 57%, and wide-cut United States-Russia trade increased by more than 80%. thither is much more room for growth in this important relationship. revert to top Market Challenges Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning nine time zones and embrace over 17 million square miles. Seriously underdeveloped infrastructure poses logistical challenges, especially in accessing market s outside of major cities.An incomplete pitch contour from central planning has led to an insufficiently iintegrated economy and disparities in wealthiness distribution, both geographically and demographically. Conducting business might be impeded by burden most regulatory regimes inadequate intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement general corruption and inadequate rule of law inconsistent application of laws and regulations wish of transparency and the go on presence of large state-owned, or state-controlled, enterprises in strategical arenas of the economy.Investments in strategic sectors of the Russian economy are subject to Russian Government control. Recent reforms make it easier for companies to hire expatriate employees, but the Russian immigration and visa system requires time and patience for business travelers to halt necessary permissions to do business in Russia. English is not widely spoken although knowledge of the language is expanding es pecially in the major cities. recurrence to top Market Opportunities In alphabetical order Agricultural Equipment get dressed Automotive Parts and function Equipment/Accessories Aviation 4 Chemicals/Plastics Construction Consumer electronics galvanizing Power Generation and Transmission Equipment Energy Efficiency/Green come on Medical Equipment Refinery Equipment Safety and Security Equipment Travel and Tourism to the United States Return to top Market Entry Strategy Commit time, personnel, and capital seriously, as developing business in Russia is resource-intensive. Conduct market research, such as with the U. S. Commercial Services Gold Key or transnational Partner Search services, to identify opportunities and potential Russian business partners.Conduct payable diligence, such as with the U. S. Commercial Services International party Profile service, to ascertain the reliability of business partners. Consult with U. S. companies already in the market , as well as with the U. S. Commercial Service and business organizations such as the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia and the U. S. -Russia Business Council. impart regularly with Russian business partners to ensure common understanding of expectations. rat travel to Russia is sthrongly recommended in order to establish and master(prenominal)tain relationships with partners and to understand break market conditions. Maintain a long-term timeframe to implement plans and achieve positive results. Return to table of contents 5 Return to table of contents Chapter 2 Political and Economic Environment For background information on the political and economic environment of the country, please click on the unite below to the U. S. Department of State Background Notes. http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/index. htm learning on Russia can be found at the following crosstie http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3183. tm Return to table of contents 6 Return to table of contents Cha pter 3 Selling U. S. Products and Services employ an Agent or Distributor Establishing an Office Franchising Direct Marketing vocalise Ventures/Licensing Selling to the Government Distribution and Sales Channels Selling Factors/Techniques Electronic Commerce Trade Promotion and Advertising Pricing Sales Service/Customer Support Protecting Your Intellectual Property Due perseverance Local Professional Services Web Resources Return to top employ an Agent or DistributorEncompassing nine time zones, Russia is the largest country in the world by landmass. Therefore, many businesses tend to approach the Russian market on a regional basis. Most new entrants start in capital of the Russian Federation and then move into the regions either through an existing distributor or by seeking new distributors in those topical anaesthetices. As both capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg are major community and business centers, many Western firms have representativ es there. The Northwest Federal District consists of the northern part of European Russia and includes 8 federal subjects (equivalent to U.S. states), including Russias second largest city, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg and the surrounding Leningrad Region are home to Russias largest port facilities, and the area has significant natural resources, especially in forest products and oil and gas. The regions population of over 13 million provides a stable and highly educated workforce. In addition, the region shares a long border with Finland, and to the highest degree 40% of European Union-Russia trade takes place along this border.American companies have do significant investments in northwest Russia Caterpillar, Ford, GM, International Paper, Kraft Foods, Wrigley and ConocoPhillips are some of the U. S. brand names with investments there. Some companies have successfully entered the Russian market by starting distribution in other key regions introductory because of market feat ures and industry sector concentrations (e. g. , woodworking in northwest Russia and cypher projects in Sakhalin and western Siberia) and then expanding elsewhere. Well-organized distribution channels are naturalized in western Russia, especially in Moscow and St.Petersburg, and continue to 7 develop rapidly in southern Russia, the Volga region, Urals, Siberia, and Russian far East. With a high concentration of mineral resources (diamonds, gold, silver, tin, tungsten, lead and zinc), fishing, and timber resources, the Russian Far East also represents business opportunities for U. S. exporters. The Russian Government is promoting a deracination in the region to deep processing of natural resources and fostering topical anaesthetic production of high value-added products, while preserving a reasonable focus on resource extraction.Deep processing is focused on the timber, fishing, and agricultural (meat and milk production) industries and will create a need for equipment in these a reas. Local and international environmental groups are supporting this strategy, aimed at more sustainable economic outgrowth in the region. The Russian Government has mega-projects in the fuel and energy sectors, including continued development of the major Sakhalin oil and gas project at a cost of over 1. 8 trillion rubles. Chemical production facilities utilise natural gas will likely be built along the pipeline routes.A large-scale petro- and natural gas chemical industry is pass judgment to develop in the Russian Far East along the main pipeline routes to include methanol, ammonia, and fertilizer products, as well as manufacturing of polymeric plastics. These new projects will require procurement of equipment and machinery to support their production. The mining sector is also expected to be developed, including continued development of gold deposits in the Amur and Magadan regions and the Chukotka Autonomous Region.New projects in the mining sector will drive up the demand for expanded fleets of road construction machinery, and other equipment by local companies. The development of regional aviation as a mearns to connect population centers in the Russian Far East is another Government priority. A new Federal program (adopted in April 2013) plans to allocate 101 billion rubles to support regional aviation, including the upgrade of local dromes infrastructure. This will create business opportunities for suppliers of regional aircraft and equipment, as well as for service providers specializing in airport modernization.
The “Steady†Person: A look into my own world
People talk a push-down storage about soulality or deportment as if its such an uncomplicated and unfussy concept, but they end up having nastyy defining it when asked. They argon apt to say that it (behavior or soulfulnessality in general) is something a person has. They describe the behavioural components of particular people in words aforesaid(prenominal) friendly, nice, forceful, or aggressive, to paint a come across of what they mean by the stipulation and as a result end, instead, in vague descriptions of how a person usu on the wholey behaves with new(prenominal) people.On the other(a) hand, when we base our descriptions on concrete and unmistakable actions that people commonly do or adapt, we come up with what experts scratch as behavioral visibility. in that respect be dissimilar styles of behavior as well as there atomic number 18 no right and ill-treat profile. When we come up with correct profiling, the expected result is that we develop ship way of life of getting to crawl in a much than concise and accurate picture of ourselves, or people in general. Personality is more than poise, charm, or somatic appearance. It includes habits, attitudes, and all the physical, emotional, social, religious and moral aspects that a person possesses.However, to be more precise, the explicit behavioral styles covered in the course, perhaps, best captivate an exclusives personality and how he/she is still. With the different behavioral styles, an overall physical body of various characteristics is seen. Like a psychograph, a persons profile is pulled together and at a glance, the individual can be compargond with other people in terms of relative strengths and impuissancees. Discussion As a person possessing the characteristics willn under the steadiness course category, I know and accept that this kind of profile has its strong and weak points.People with this behavioral style, belong in the sphere of influence or organization t hey are located at present, with the distinctive blind spots commonly tied with this behavior, pull up stakes (in spite of its comeliness) also experience trusted setbacks, especially if the weaknesses of this behavior are left unaddressed. Strengths of resoluteness Style People under the profile of steadiness Style are found to be demonstrative, sympathetic, helpful, compassionate, and caring. Unlike the other behavioral styles, these descriptions are common to someone who enjoys people and takes pleasure in on the job(p) directly with the concerns of individual persons.This is my type. Most of my colleagues and clients find me pleasant. They observe and appreciate the compulsive traits (strengths) of my style. I have the ear to listen to whatever people would require to say or express. I am naturally a hearty loyal friend and therefore can be trusted. For me, it is not difficult to work with different people, and thus, I am good at operative in a team. My co-workers ea sily relate to me as we do our work together. Our tasks in the office are often expedited because of the mutual support we give each other.The positive atmosphere or lack of it in certain places, I observe, is due to different styles, or rather, to the many weaknesses of other behavioral styles. My type of behavior createslightness in ambiance, for it is more of other-centered type. It seeks to help and understand. Steadiness Styles go along with others well even when they find certain traits in others which are disagreeable. It is always important to keep ones calm and to keep the boat calmly sailing. Because of this optimistic outlook that S Style has, people tend to respond in like manner. It begets the same trust, same sympathy, and same support.Weaknesses of Steadiness Style As I have mentioned above, although this behavioral style has its strengths, it also has its weaknesses. In my case, I do not emergency to disturb the regularity of the condition of my world. I do not es sential to do things that will somehow upset the status quo. This, I believe, is the chief(prenominal) weakness of Steadiness Style. All of the good characteristics of this style power be attributable to this same weakness. In other words, the good points which make Steadiness Style attractive are actually, or may actually be, its way to compensate for its main weakness.From this fright of instability proceeds coping mechanisms which are likeable traits that can actually win people. One of the weaknesses of my style is the fear of risks. Because I do not want to face an unknown future, my end is to maintain the security of the present. I do not want to cut certain changes, even when it is necessary, for fear of failure. I am distressed with the facet of disruptions in my work. If ever there are necessary and inevitable changes that mustiness be taken, I must think them done, create certain schemes/plans, and make the inescapable changes into my world.Steady Style people have difficulty coping with unanticipated distractions and therefore must always endeavor to maintain poise, constancy, and equilibrium. Another weakness attributable to person with S Style is his/her slowness in finish making. I could not decide alone. I want to include other people my colleagues in any decision that needs to be done. To study people in decision-making process is in itself cannot be called a weakness. There are times when opinions or expertise of others need to be want to arrive at a more accurate diagnosis of the real situation these are times when suggestions and advices are priceless.However, to be held back from a crucial and necessary decision, merely because of fear of implementing necessary steps that might be unpopular in initial stages but beneficial in the long haul, is indecisiveness. It is a weakness which I find interwoven with all the good peculiarities of the Steady type. Conclusion Although there might be more strengths or weaknesses attributable to Steadiness Style, what have been discussed here in this newsprint is enough to guide and enable one to understand this type of behavior.A imperious profiling of behaviors is designed to assist anybody employees and employers/managers alike to gain a get around understanding of the differences inherent in different behavioral styles, and so be able, as a result, to work proficiently with other people who are framed with diverse styles of behavior. Remember, there is/are no right and reproach profile/s. Each behavioral profile is distinct and has its combined strengths and weaknesses. Our different styles are just statements of our uniqueness/distinctives on how we opt to do things.When understood properly, these differences of styles can be utilized to achieve excellent ends. If, on the other hand, this crucial understanding of behavioral types is bypassed, it creates a myriad of otherwise preventable problems. It is important that blind spots be put into light as in the cas e of Steadiness Style treated in this paper. Its difficult to think of this type as having negative sides. According to studies, it is of the quadruple styles, the most people-oriented. How could such a style retain with it bad qualities when it appears to be so selfless in nature?I have devoted the answers to the question when I pointed out the weaknesses of this behavioral style. With the understanding then that is gained through the discussion in this paper, the hope and prospect of the writer is better operative relations with others who do not possess the same style of behavior as the one treated here. Reference 1. ________ Behavioral Styles. (please fill in your source for the file you uploaded here). 2. Bruce, Debra. 2005 in http//www. debrabruce. com/articles/DiSC-behavior-styles. php 3. DInnocenzo, Len. 2005. in www. crkinteractive. com.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Basic Cognitive Skills †A Comparison
There ar three established ship ceaseal to approach a task. iodine give the bounce either part the methods in gushs Taxonomy, the scientific order or the Universal Troubleshooting mode. apiece of these methods is organisationatic and hierarchical from the least complex to the some complex, with for each one stair as important as the next. Each method has been designed to assist individuals in undertaking tasks that are seemingly difficult.These methods incur different characteristics and mensurations, solely some of the means are par aloneel to the new(prenominal)s. However, as diverse as these frameworks may seem, there are also segments connecting each method to the some other.Blooms Taxonomy (New Version) Originally conceptualized by Benjamin Bloom, Blooms Taxonomy is perhaps the most popular framework describing mans learning method. Several theorists have also discussed and provided variations of this method and recently, Lorin Anderson and David Krathwohl pro posed a new version of this method. (Wilson, Beyond Bloom A new Version of the Cognitive Taxonomy, par. 4) In following the guidebook of Blooms Taxonomy, the first step involves the acquisition of the knowledge apply the senses.It often involves identification, repetition, and memorization. The second step is comprehension. Comprehension occurs when a person can already discuss a concept or idea by explanation or illustration. When an idea can be applied to concrete situations, integrity has already reached the third step application. It involves being able to use the concept in more common situations that it can be tie in to. The fourth step analysis includes the ability to scrutinize the concept. The fifth step is evaluation, in which the concept can be judged and criticized found on trustworthy standards.By the sixth step, whiz shall be able to take the concept by and use it to form a new complete entity this is called synthesis. The scientific mode The steps in the Scientific Method take on a slightly different angle. The first step involves asking the question where the field of study to be studied is identified. Next, a background research is conducted about the concept. This is where usable previous studies are referred to, so it is determined whether there have been other scientists or researchers who have undertaken the project. Formulation of the hypothesis is next in the process.A entire hypothesis is measurable and coherent to the question initially proposed. Tests are to be conducted to try out the validity of the hypothesis. The results of these tests are taken down and evaluated so as to draw conclusions. The results are further evaluated and connected to the previous steps. One analyzes whether there has been positive or negative results coming from the tests that have been conducted. The initial hypothesis is brought out and scrutinized on its validity. With all of the data that have been gathered, a detailed report is constru cted to illustrate the details and results of the entire task.One characteristic of the Scientific Method is that one or more of the steps can be repeated if the previous strategy does not yield results or the delectable outcome. Furthermore, there are clock when a sure step resembling testing the hypothesis can be repeated several times in succession until concrete and verifiable results are accomplished. On the other hand, the new model of Blooms Taxonomy expects fulfillment of a certain step before moving on to the next level. In fact, one cannot move on to the next level without the completion of the previous one.For slip one cannot apply knowledge which he cannot comprehend first nor one cannot try to comprehend what he does not know of. Universal Troubleshooting Method The Universal Troubleshooting Method is characterized by a five-step program. Initially, a complete commentary of the job is taken into account. To prepare for the process, all necessary tools should be present, including the beat suitable environment for the project. All of the indications of the job should be entirely renowned detail by detail to ensure that the correct steps are going to be taken in the process of solving it.To crack if the problem is mighty identified, one should be able to replicate the symptoms. later this step, one is tasked to narrow down the al-Qaida cause of the problem. This means that all nuances are to be tried and true and eliminated, if proven as a vicarious cause. This can be a lengthy process and may require a lot of patience, much like testing the hypothesis in the Scientific Method. Once the root cause is identified, steps are to be taken to resolve or repair it. Using the appropriate tools, the root of the problem is eliminated and/or replaced. After the work in replacing or eliminating the problem, testing needs to be made.One checks whether the problem still exists or persists. In cases when it does, then some of the steps are to be r epeated to win sure that the problem is resolved properly. There may be instances when the problem is inin good order identified and the step essential be repeated to correctly identify the problem. But if the correct problem is resolved, it needs to be tested several times to ensure that it would not happen again. Additionally, one must check if there are any potential problems that are created musical composition resolving the main problem problems that may cause more trouble in the future.The Universal Troubleshooting Method is aimed at solving or finding the solution to a particular predicament, while Blooms Taxonomy can be used in more levels like learning a new skill in fact, it is often utilized in a learning environment. This method (Universal Troubleshooting Method) can be more likened to the Scientific Method since it is normally following a dilemma. The steps, although not entirely interchangeable, can be repeated as much as it calls for. These methods require care ful mean and execution each project done following the steps correctly will definitely yield productive results.These three approaches show how to influence a task. Each of these works based on a system that proves to be effective and, thus, valuable. Each system, each step, is geared towards the solution of the problem at hand. They are designed in such a mien that each seems to be somewhat a reflection of the others, with variations or modifications devised based on necessity. But even with these distinctions, these approaches are, in the end, essentially similar to each other. Works Cited Litt, Steve. The Universal Troubleshooting Process.2006. Troubleshooters. Com. 16 June 2009. . Wilson, Leslie Owen. Beyond Bloom A new Version of the Cognitive Taxonomy. 2006. Dr. Leslie Owen Wilsons Homepage. 16 June 2009. . Steps of the Scientific Method. Science Buddies. 2009. Kenneth Lafferty Hess Family Charitable Foundation. 16 June 2009. .
Labor and Employment Law
It is the law, which stomach profound right, restrictions and control on the workers working at the working place in the organization. The employment law was designed to protect the interest of the workers.Almost all the countries and worldwide Labor Organization prepared it to keep the labors in equal note with the society. It is prepared on the different aspects of labors such as their working place, nominal wage, working time, health and safety, workplace environment etc.Labor and example Law, 12th form was wrote by the famous labor arbitrator containing chapters on pay virtue and age discrimination, disability discrimination ad workers honorarium laws ad employee privacy.The National Labor Relation Board is designed to provide right to the private sector employees to form their labor union and pledge collectively over wages, hours and working conditions.The NRLB also provide right to an employer to voluntarily recognize a union when card is presented with the sign of l egal age of the employees. The employer is authorized to enter into card check agreement with union before collection of signatures. It is mandatory required on the part of employer to assemble signatures from more(prenominal) than majority of bargaining unit employees.The third party may check the pronouncement card to judge the limits of the members as provided I the NRLA act. The Board may piece to an employer to bargain with union, even when the union lost secret balloting pick.Therefore, from the to a higher place points it is clear that card check agreement is replacing the ballot election because it is more economical, more transparent etc. because conduction of secret ballot election is more private affair and confidential and create more pressure o the employees. I the nutshell, card check recognition may reduce earning inequality, whereas mandatory secret ballot elections may increase it.ReferenceReferred to siteshttp// law/ Employment law http// Labor union recognition procedures use of secret ballots and cards checks.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Fashion Couture
In France, the term haute couture is protected by law and is define by the Chambre de commerce et dindustrie de Paris based in Paris, France. The chambre syndicale de la haute couture is delimitate as the regulating commission that determines which fashion houses be eligible to be true haute couture houses. 4 Their rules state that only those companies mentioned on the list drawn up each year by a commission domiciled at the Ministry for assiduity are entitled to avail themselves of the label haute couture.The chambre also deals with piracy of style, impertinent relations and coordination of the fashion collection timetables, and do some international advertisement for the French fashion industry. The chambre also runs a Paris couture school to ascertain upcoming designers and technicians the couture trade. The school helps bring new designers to help the couture houses that are soundless arrange today. The criteria for haute couture were established in 1945 and updated in 1 992.To earn the right to forestall itself a couture house and to use the term haute couture in its advertising and whatever other way, members of the Chambre syndicale de la haute couture must follow these rules Design made-to-order for occult clients, with one or more fittings. Have a workshop (atelier) in Paris that employs at least(prenominal) fifteen people full-time. Must contain twenty full-time technical people in at least one atelier (workshop). Each season (i. e. twice a year), present a collection to the Paris press, comprising at least thirty-five runs/exits with outfits for twain daytime wear and evening wear. However, the term haute couture may have been misapply by ready-to-wear brands since the late 1980s, so that its true meaning may have become blurred with that of pret-a-porter (the French term for ready-to-wear fashion) in the public perception. Every haute couture house also markets pret-a-porter collections, which typically deliver a higher return on inve stment than their custom clothing. citation needed locomote revenues have forced a few couture houses to abandon their less paid couture division and concentrate solely on the less prestigious pret-a-porter. These houses are no longer considered haute couture. Many top designer fashion houses, much(prenominal) as Chanel, use the word for some of their special collections. These collections are often not for sale or they are very difficult to purchase. Sometimes, haute couture is unsuitably used to label non-dressmaking activities, such as fine art, music and more.
Informatie Management
Does Tele mildew increment productiveness? engagement 2 The advise unmarried man Thesis Does Tele control growth productiveness Erasmus University Rotterdam Boudewijn Schuitmaker348393bs Robin Kettenes335450rk Marlot Sep 337273ms Bachelor Thesis Does Tele puddle make up productiveness Erasmus University Rotterdam Team Group 6 (BA-02-06) Assignment trope 9 Date 13-06-2012 Dis trainer This document is indite by Marlot Sep, Robin Kettenes and Boudewijn Schuitmaker, who decl argon that sever exclusivelyy of them takes responsibility for the full contents of the unaccompanied document.We decl atomic spell 18 that the text and the devise presented in this document is original and that nosources new(prenominal) than menti sensationd in the text and its references shoot been utilize in creating it. RSM is a great deal over responsible for supervision of completion of the consummation hardly non for the contents. big melodyman succinct of the tonicity proposal 4 1. Preface6 2. Abstract7 3. Introduction8 4. Literature review12 5. Methods17 6. Results19 7. Discussion26 Appendix28 Bibliography35 * Summary of the mind proposal In this chapter a summary of the inquiry proposal bed be prepargon. Summary Name instructor Dhr. Nick a a new wavet-gardet-garde der Meulen Team number 6 Name student 1 Robin KettenesName student 2 Boudewijn Schuitmaker Name student 3 Marlot Sep Proposition Tele litigate depart draw to an subjoin in productiveness Focal unit Employees who perform their lop at separate devotes than at the obligation itself, for at least atomic number 53 day a week Theoretical do important All employees who work at other places than at the office itself, for at least wiz day a week, in the Netherlands. Concept 1 Telework Concept 2 Employees productiveness Type of sexual apprisal Causal Minimum size of the subsequentlymath for having rulerial relevancy The minimal size of substance for having managerial relevanc e is 20 % maturation of productiveness. Typical parameter of perfume size utilise in previous tests Items scales deflexion in productiveness pennyre is mappingd surrounded by tele role players and non-teleworkers. Range of personnel sizes obtained in the replication history In the replication history on average an encumbrance of productiveness amplification of 20% is vizord by tele commuting. (Newman, 1989), (Dubrin, 1991) and (Hartman, 1992) Preferred inquiry dodging longitudinal stick with Actual explore strategy Considering the look for snip ( twain months sentence) and the scene of this search (a Bachelor thesis project) a cross-sectional cogitation is elect. put in that is pecked, or from hich messages argon recruited Population that is surveyed ar executive employees of the department of trading operations & Services of the organization of trinitrotoluene Express Benelux in Houten, the Netherlands. The number of subjects is 22. pass judgme nt warning (or hypothesis) The judge pattern for the hypothesis telecommuting testament lead to much productiveness is a retrogression of 0. 20, meaning that an incr puff in tele works(a) entrust lead to an increase of 0. 20 in an centre of productiveness. The judge pattern for the hypothesis bewilderment ordain hurt a shun order on the similarity amidst tele on the job(p) and productivity is a fixing of -0. 0, meaning that an increase in embarrassment go forth lead to an decrement of 0. 20 in a amount of productivity, when telecommuting. Observed pattern The observe pattern for the hypothesis telecommuting forget lead to muchproductivity is a ostracise relation with a regression of import cook of -1,311,meaning that if the form of teleworking increases with wiz unit, the productivity will decrease with 1,311. The ascertained pattern for the hypothesis perplexity will depart birth a cast out influence on the relation amongst teleworking and prod uctivity is a absolute relation with a regression important score of 0,188.Thus, for the increase of one unit bewilderment, the productivity will increase with 0,188. sieve takings teleworking has a damaging erect on productivity and perplexity has a compulsory relation on productivity. Non- rejoinder bias flavour (worst trip summary) The number of abstracted cases is 5. The worst case outline depict that if the quin respondents joined the survey, and where very incompatible form the obtained ones, a domineering transaction of teleworking on productivity (2,775) and a banish effect of beguilement on productivity (-0,173) could be put up. Your contribution to what is known close the bid Our contribution to the proposition Telework will lead to an increase in productivity is that teleworking does not al government agencys lead a haughty wobble in productivity much(prenominal) as suggested in some(prenominal) scientific names. In our question a negativ e relation is prepare on productivity when teleworking. more than or less important recommendigital audiotapeion for and question The approximately important recommendigital audiotapeion is, in order to do a replication vignette, a longitudinal survey.The longitudinal survey enables the future researchers to evaluate the change in productivity that takes place at a later point in time when employees telework. In this research the whole tone of productivity towards teleworking is merely done once. Preface This bachelor thesis is written as part of our studies care Administration at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The main subject of this thesis is Telework. We selected this subject out of umteen other subjects because we wanted to indite our thesis close to a topical subject and teleworking has shape a major hype in the cobblers last few years.Many businesses mechanism teleworking in their fol natural depression for various reasons. So, is off-key that telework ing will lead to equal reduction, more productive employees and more satisfied employees. But, the main question is does telework try all(a)(prenominal) these acquires? In this thesis we will look at the effect of teleworking on the productivity of employees. Abstract The relation surrounded by teleworking and productivity is of critical concern for organizations that readiness be planning to apparatus teleworking of for those who have already done.In this research the relation between teleworking and productivity is examined, controlling for age, gender and family status. The effect of bewilderment on the productivity of employees was withal measured. A survey among 17 teleworkers at trinitrotoluene express was conducted online to gather data. In result of different ternary regression synopsis, a negative meeting of teleworking on productivity was discovered. Furthermore, a slight positive squeeze of misdirection on productivity was found. The results look paradoxical , but there be several reasons to develop these results and shed a new light on the telework-productivity research.Introduction In the last few years there has been an increasing demand for flexible work and flexible organizations. The conceit of teleworking offers a solution to this increasing demand. At this moment 20 to 30 million people in the U. S. soon work from photographic plate at least one day a week (Telework look for Ne iirk, 2011). In the belles-lettres several definitions of telework ar employ. The most common definition of telework defines telework as work performed at family line, a beam office or other places than the office itself, to deoxidise commuting (Shin, 2000).There ar several motives companies could have to adopt the concept of telework. Obvious motives ar cost reduction and increase productivity. Additional benefits for teleworking employees are increase occupancy satis evention and a better work- smell balance (Harpaz, 2002). In this thes is a proposition, regarding telework and productivity, will be tested. The proposition that will be tested is Telework will lead to an increase in productivity. In general this means that this research measures if employees have a luxuriouslyer(prenominal) productivity if they telework, and thus have the opportunity to work besides the office, than if they are office-bound.The increase in productivity is often measured imputable the comparison of output produced by a assumption amount of commentary, often office hours. If the employee, who teleworks, uses exact the akin time as an office-bound employee for a job, while delivering a greater amount of work, an increase in productivity due telework quite a little be concluded. The first who theorise the concept of telework in 1973 was Jack M. Nilles from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He defined telecommuting as any form of substitution of information technologies for work-related motive power (Madsen, 2003 ).The one clear motive for the expansion of teleworking, mentioned by Nilles, was the reduction of transportation congestion, curiously in overcrowded urban areas. Although these public benefits were not sufficient enough to implement teleworking. Economic benefits the like cost reductions, space savings and reduced renting rates for office space ensured that companies were more likely to introduce the concept of teleworking. According to Nilles productivity will increase as a result of working harder and working more hours per day, because of less beguilement, interruptions and stress (Nillis, 1988). by and by Nilles theorize the proposition that telework increases productivity for the first time, it has often been examined. some(a) articles stated that telework change magnitude productivity. For typesetters case at AT&T, a telecommunication company, telework increased productivity with to the highest detail 10 percent, according to AT&Ts annual telework survey among 1,500 employees. another(prenominal) slip of increased productivity is IBM where 87 percent of the employees report that they believe that their productivity have increased meaningfully (Apgar, 1998).In fact several articles stated that the productivity of employees is higher when they work at home. Only one research delegaten a decrease in productivity. However this decrease was later followed by an increase of productivity (Bailey, 2002). Despite several articles have examined the relation between telework and productivity, it is dificult to measure productivity. Like mentioned earlier, productivity is base on the relation between gossip and output. There have been problems when measuring the productivity of todays intimacy workers. First of all, most knowledge workers do not produce units per given period (e. . per hour, day or month). Because output is often measured in units, the productivity of knowledge workers is hard to measure. Secondly, there is not a unionise correlatio n between units of labor and units of output for these knowledge workers. Extra input from one additional worker does not requisite lead to more output. The classic definition does not enable to measure knowledge workers productivity, certainly not when measuring besides the office (Gordon, 1997). In the research on the relation between telework and productivitity a number of methodological weaknesses have been discovered.Most studies use self-report suverys to collect data from teleworkers. These self-report surveys can result in false responses from teleworkers in their productivity evaluations. This so called self-response bias has not been taken into account in many productivity research. Data collection from both, teleworker and manager will be a better way to measure productivity. Next to that take populations are selected under specific nature and task criterea, which could be related to a higher work motivation and hence contributes to increased productivity.Another expl anation for increased productivity could be the relegation of other tasks to office-bound employees. Higher productivity can in any case be pardoned by the increase in working hours, due less commuting (Shin, 2000). Due the unvoicedies of measuring productivity some articles falsly demand the fact that telework increase productivity. Like mentioned earlier, productivity measurement for knowledge workers has been a dilemma. In measuring input and output the term productivity is hapless for knowledge workers. accordingly this research measures productivity not only due the bar of work, but due several concepts. The concepts utilize in this research to measure productivity are quantity, timberland, seasonableness and doubled priorities. The questions how much can be done (quantity), how well it is done (quality), when it is done (timeliness) and how many things can be done at once ( two-fold priorities) are existence covered. Using multiple concepts enables to put the quanti ty factor in the context of a big picture and not just simply focus on an increase in output (Gordon, 1997).As stated earlier, there are several definitions for teleworking. Most definitions focus on the fact that employees have the possibility to work all over and not as much on the fact that employees can work whenever they want. In this research the most common definition of Shin, Sheng and Higa will be apply. Shin et al. defines telework as work performed at home, a satellite office or other places than the office itself, to reduce commuting (Shin, 2000). Figure 1 Causality role model The causality flummox of this thesis, shown in figure 1, incorporate of two concepts teleworking and productivity.The main(a) concept in the causality sham is teleworking and the babelike concept is productivity. The focal unit of this research conjecture is the entity of which the range of values of one or more variable attributes is explained by the theory (Hak, 2011). The focal unit con sists of employees who perform their work at other places than at the office itself, for at least one day a week. The minimum number of days teleworkers work besides the office is chosen because several instances use this minimum, like the Telework Research Network.The national average number of days a teleworker works besides the office is 2,4 days a week (Telework Research Network, 2011). The productivity of teleworkers is measured due the comparison of their productivity when working besides the office and when working at the office. There is not chosen for the comparison of the productivity of teleworkers and office bound employees, because this is not valid. The fun in productivity between teleworkers and office-bound employees should not necessarily come from teleworking, but can be explained by several other factors for instance by personal ifferences. The theoretical domain of this research, the universe of instances of the focal unit, consist of all employees who work at o ther places than at the office itself, for at least one day a week, in the Netherlands. Literature review After Nilles claimed that productivity increased as a result of teleworking in 1973, it has often been examined. In 1982 Olson researched the effect of telework on productivity. Although there were no measures of death penalty data, employees and managers pronounced that teleworkers are more productive than office-bound employees.The field of operation also revealed that teleworkers are more responsible and conscientious about inventorys, had better documentation and plan their time better. Employees matte up that they worked more efficiently or produced higher quality work, when working at home. Few employees found the office very distracting and therefore could be more productive at home (Olson, 1982). This results are self-consistent with Olsons later longitudinal pick up of three pilot teleworking programs, which revealed that teleworkers believed that their performan ce was enhanced due teleworking (Olson, 1989).In 1989 Bailyn also researched the effect of telework on productivity among 89 system developers, including 49 teleworkers. More than a can of the software developers inform that their most productive work times unload out of the traditional office days. Bailyn assigned this productivity increase to the fact that teleworkers have individual control over time and the competency to share work over all time periods, including the weekends. The survey also indicated that employees postulate quiet and privacy to be productive (Bailyn, 1989).Bailyn also remark that only tasks that do not require extensive interaction will benefit from teleworking (Bailyn, 1988). One year later Newman stated that teleworking is ideally for those whose jobs require them to handle a flow of information, like programmers, engineers, speechwriters and business analysts. The personality of the teleworker must include being capable of handling autonomy. Accord ing to Newman, go through workers make the best candi ensures for teleworking. Similar to Olson, Newman stated that the work-at-home programs often result in increased output from staff, naming eing less deflect meant being more productive. In Newmans study at the Travelers Insurance Company productivity increased with 20 percent. Despite of the increased productivity, limiting the geographic boundaries of the companys hiring pool due offering work-at-home arrangements to employees was the prime reason for teleworking (Newman, 1989). In Dubrins research the reasons for teleworking were to solve staffing, space, and other business problems including keeping motivated employees away from the embarrassments of other workers (McKee, 1988).According to Dubrin an implicit assumption about teleworking programs is that employees who work at home will be evenly more productive that office-bound employees. Dubrins observation of company records suggests that home workers increased their productivity from 5 to 100 percent (Dubrin, 1991). Dubrin tested the hypothesis telecommuters are more productive than are employees performing comparable work on company premises among employees of the NPD Group. The participants in this research were mainly women.The fact that only women are represented in Dublins studies makes it difficult to reprinting findings between masculines and females. The degree of astonishment was measured due different statements in the questionnaires. The questionnaire items Being able to keep busy all the time show that telework has a positive influence on the productivity. The work-at-home group scored world-shatteringly higher (13. 81) than the group in-house workers (6. 36) at the t-value of 4. 20. The research found that productivity was increased by 30% when projects were moved from company premises to homes.The productivity was measured in transactions per hour, occurred when a project was shifted from in-house to at-home. The results are consistent with findings of Newman. In Dubrins research the productivity findings showed that people who worked at home part-time are more productive than those who worked at home full-time. It is concluded that productivity increases when work is structured, repetitive and measurable. In order to conclude evidence that telecommuting increases productivity, it is infallible to move in-house workers into their homes and then measure the productivity changing (Dubrin, 1991).Accoring to Frolick, Wilkes, Urwiler productivity is expected to increase when teleworkers work according to a flexible schedule in an informal setting. The question w het upher telecommuters are more productive than office-bound employees was researched in a semi-structured telephone interview among 45 individuals in 10 organizations. The average time that each of the interviewees had spent in the telework programs was 2,3 years. The results of the interviews revealed that every teleworker and every telework man ager describe that productivity had increased as a result of their telecommuting programs.In each case the respondents stated that teleworker productivity was higher than the productivity of office-bound employees. The average increase of productivity was approximately 20 percent. This result is consistent with other researches like Niles 1990 (Frolick, 1993). Frolick et al. attributed this productivity increase to lack of interruption and the ability of the teleworker to schedule his or her work in a flexible manner. In this study all the teleworkers cited fewer interruptions as a contributing factor to their productivity and 17 of them cited greater flexibility in performing their jobs (Frolick, 1993).Hartman, chromatic and Arora noticed two fundamental problems in the previous study, namely an extraordinary small sample size and maintaining a broad, non restrictive definition of telecommuting that leads to clouded outcomes and conclusions. In their study telecommuters were sele cted from 11 different organizations, both public and private, including telecommunications, insurance, banking, publishing, and city an state governmental units. The research was done due a self-report survey among 262 telecommuters. teleworking productivity was measured by the respondents feeling about how the output per hour was changed, working at the office versus working at home. An kindle 84 % inform that productivity was increase while working at home, 12 % report no change and just 4% describe a lower productivity. Hartman recognized that the self-reported perceptions of comparative productivity might be biased, but the outcomes were consistent with the productivity increase in other studies (Hamilton, 1987)(Moody, 1986). Neufeld and Fang centre on the influence of distraction, gender and family status on teleworkers productivity.Their research assumed that gender and family status (defined as social factors) are negatively correlated with teleworker productivity. When working at home, the family status is important because family is often around. Therefore they may have a large effect on the teleworkers, and their productivity. The results of the study are obtained by semi-structured interview. For measuring the social factors, direct questions are used (such as do you have children at home? ). For measuring distraction, questions are used like is your purlieu distraction ingenuous?The results showed that teleworker productivity is not associated with family status and gender, but on the other hand, a distraction free environment was associated with teleworker productivity (Neufeld, 2005). Another study of Derrick J. Neufeld, which examined productivity among tetrad different kinds of organizations, showed that claims of a higher productivity correlated to teleworking are overblown. In this study, productivity is measured among 200 Canadian employees, and the results show that the increase in productivity is statistically insignificant.Cynics predicted that distractions from working at home will reduce productivity. But despite these distractions, productivity is not reduced, but slightly increased. This study of Neufeld shows that teleworking is significantly more correlated with organizational flexibility than with productivity (Cassiani, 2000). Kelley pantryman also looked at the relation between distraction and teleworker productivity. Butler stated that the top 6 distractions, while working at home, are household chores, television, pets, errands, internet and children.The data was collected from a CareerBuilder survey. somewhat of the teleworkers (17%) was so distracted by these factors, that the distraction costs one hour of their working hours (Butler, 2011). Thompson, Vivien and Lim examined the rests in gender on the perception of teleworking. Their data was collected from a questionnaire survey among IT professionals in Singapore. Results showed that males comprehend that teleworking improved the quality of life and their productivity in a greater extent than females.Also, in this research productivity increases while teleworking, because an employee can plan the work schedule during the hours when one is most productive. But on the other hand, the study also shows that distractions at home may be harder to solve than distractions at the office. An analysis of the covariance was used to measure the difference between gender, and the relation to the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking. The results show that there is no significant difference in gender (Thompson, 1998). Author Literature effect foundOlson, 1983 Preliminary evidence from the exploratory study shows that individuals can be as or more productive when working at home Olson, 1988 Telecommuting experts and practitioners regularly cite at-home productivity gains ranging from 15-25% Newman, 1989 written report-at-home programs often result in increased output from staff Newman, 1989 The Travelers Insurance Company pr oductivity increased with 20 percent among 80 commuting staff Di Martino, 1990 A biyearly pilot project ( ) reported productivity gains averaging 43 per cent per participant.Teleworkers () noted productivity increases varying from 12 per cent to 20 per cent. State employees working at home have been rated () as 3 to 5 per cent more effective than they would have been if they worked from nine to five in the office. Dubrin, 1991 productivity was increased by 30% when projects were moved from company premises to homes Dubrin, 1991 rumination of company records suggests that home workers increased their productivity from 5 to 100 per cent Hartman, 1991 A significant negative correlation between the ratio of telecommuting hours to total work hours and telecommuting productivity was revealed. Hartman, 1991 The full-time employed telecommuters reported higher levels of productivity (3. 59) in comparison with part-time employed telecommuters (2. 65). Hartman, 1992 Telecommuters were as ked whether they tangle their productivity (output per hour) at home was higher or lower than at the office. An overwhelming percentage (84%) reported higher productivity while working at home, only 4 % of the telecommuters reported lower productivity, and 12 % reported no change. Frolick, 1993 The findings indicate a significant increase in productivity (20%) among teleworkers Apgar, 1998 87 per cent of employees () report that they believe their productivity and effectiveness have increased significantly Baruch, 2000 How teleworking influences the way people work after opting to telework were examined ().Compared with previous arrangements of work effectiveness 34 per cent and 42 per cent felt it was much better or better (respectively), totaling a positive impact for 76 per cent, with just 5 per cent suggesting no difference and 3 per cent worse. Pearlson, 2001 A survey in 2001 of 150 executives in large U. S. companies found that 36 percent saw no difference in productivity le vels between telecommuters and onsite employees, while 26 percent felt that telecommuting could compromise job performance Table 1 account effect sized of the effect of Teleworking on ProductivityAuthor Effect Olson, 1983 Some of the individuals interviewed cited problems with motivation and numerous distractions at home that made concentration difficult Newman, 1989 Work-at-home programs often result in increased output from staff, naming being less distracted meant being more productive Hartman, 1991 Family disruptions and their association with telecommuting productivity and satisfaction, the correlation with productivity is -. 20 (p = . 06). Frolick, 1993 Most claims of productivity to date have been attributed to a lack of interruption and the ability of the teleworker to schedule his or her work in a flexible manner. Baruch, 2000 Better performance was attributed in general to the elimination of distractions, which are exemplary at the workplace and subsequently the abilit y to focus on work. Young Lee, 2005 The results indicated no significant effect of perceived distractions on perceived performance Wilson, 2004 Could be more productive without such distractions. Fonner, 2010 Results show that working remotely the majority of the time alleviates forms of stress and distraction including acting as a buffer from workplace injustice which may provide a more productive and satisfying work environment Table 2 Reported effect sized of the effect of bewilderment on Productivity Methods The research strategy is to test the proposition that assumed that teleworking will lead to an increase of productivity. The replication history research has indicated that this theory has empirically been confirmed for various populations.If the proposition is true in the domain, then it must be true for the population in the domain. In order to claim whether a proposition is true, empirical evidence is necessary to show its correctness. This research deduces a hypothese s regarding teleworking, distraction and increasing productivity by an empirical research. Ideally a causal relationship between teleworking, distraction and productivity is measured in a longitudinal survey. The longitudinal survey is defined as a research strategy in which a change in value of the relevant concepts is observed in all members (or in samples) of a population of instances of a focal unit.In a longitudinal survey it is realizable to find a population of comparable cases in the theoretical domain in which the value of teleworking (named here as variable X) has changed over time. A causal relation X influences Y (variable Y is employees productivity) is observed in the cases, if the value of Y has changed after the change of value X. Considering the research time (two months) and the context of this research (a bachelor thesis), this research uses a cross-sectional practice to measure the relationship between teleworking, distraction and employees productivity.A scatt er plot is a useful tool to show a executable correctness of the proposition. The cross-sectional design enables to concentrate on variations of cases inwardly one particular population. In this research the population is a department within an organisation. The population consists of all executive employees of the department form Policies of trinitrotoluene Express Benelux in Houten, the Netherlands. The number of employees/cases is 22. Name employee 1 Bert Schut 14 Koos Jansen 2 Corne Vroegh 15 Marielle Sitskoorn David Roofthoofd 16 Marina Elegeert 4 Erik van Duin 17 Martijn Otte 5 Geug Leendertse 18 Maurice Hidma 6 Guy Gevaers 19 Mette Kok 7 Harrie Dasselaar 20 Michiel Bierman 8 Henk Jansen 21 Tessa Koster 9 Jack Beks 22 Thomas Goossens 10 Jan Harmen Hietbrink 11 Jef Kleinschmidt 12 John Meisters 13 John van Oeffel Figure 2 Employees of the Process Policies department at TNT express In the cross-sectional research, soft and quantitative data of responde nts is collected more or less simultaneously.The self-report survey will be sent out to all cases at the same moment and held during the same time of period. The independent variable (teleworking) is a quantitative variable measured in percentages. The other independent variable (distraction) is a qualitative variable, measured in likert schales with categories like never, sometimes, regularly, often and always. Productivity is a qualitative variable. The controlling variables are gender, age and family status. Gender is split up into male and female (0=male and 1= female).Family status is measured in four different values, namely single, single with children, married or co-habiting, and married or co-habiting with children. The conceptual mildew of this research can be found in Figure 3. To test the five different hypothesis based on the conceptual model, a multiple regression analysis will be used. Figure 3 Conceptual Model The hypothesis concentrates on the relation between tel eworking and the productivity. Assumed is that teleworking lead to an increase in productivity. This means that employees can do more work, do their work better, schedule their own work and do multiple things at once.The hypothesis is formulated as following There is a positive relation between teleworking and productivity if the ? is ? 0,20. In the conceptual model age, gender, family status are taken into account as controlling variables. Gender could have an influence on productivity. Women, for example, are better in multitasking and could therefore have a higher score on multiple priorities, which influences the productivity. Family status could have an impact on distraction, therefore it is also used as controlling variable. This also accounts for age. The assumption is that lder employees are less productive compared to younger employees, which are more involved with technology. Two different regression analyses with different variables are plotted. * The variables teleworkin g / gender / distraction / age / family status in relation to productivity. (nain regression) * The variables teleworking / distraction in relation to productivity The main regression model is shown below Productivity = ? + ? 1 Teleworking + ? 2 Gender + ? 3 Family status + ? 4 Age + ? 5 mismanagement + ? ? iin( 0, ? )The regression analysis will show which variable will have the highest influence on the dependent variable productivity, corrected for the influences of the other variables. The expectation is therefore that the beta of teleworking will be the highest in the model. Results The data in this research is collected due a self-report survey among employees of the Process Policies department of TNT Express Benelux. The self-report survey was conducted online on the Belgian website of enquetemaken. be. A textual version of this survey can be found in vermiform appendix 2.A unify to this survey was send to the 22 employees of the department by mail. This research chose fo r an anonymous survey in order to ensure that respondents could be trusty about their answers. This would secure the reliability of this survey. Besides that the interview was conducted in Dutch because all employees at TNT are Dutch. The employees filled in questions concerning telework and productivity. several(prenominal) non-related questions, concerning job satisfaction and work-life balance, were added in order to cover the real goal of the research.In order to guarantee the reliability and validity of this research, the questions of the survey are based on questions used in other research. The productivity measurement is divided into four determents that are each tested individually. These four determents are quantity, quality, timeliness and multiple priorities (Gordon, 1997). Lee and Brand used questions like Compared to my typical work right now, I would rate the quality of my work as and Compared to my typical performance right now, I would rate my job performance as ar e being used.In the survey of this research four questions are used in order to measure work productivity. The exact questions can be found in the appendix. The questions in the survey concerning distraction, were like How frequently are you unable to concentrate because of interruptions from your family? . These questions were extended to other factors, like distractions from colleagues, phone calls/e-mails/texts, sounds and other factors (Neufeld, 2005). According to Young Lee J. L. Brand, is noise one of the main distractions (Lee et all, 2010). Therefore, we abandoned one question on noise.Also, the question I am comfortably distracted from my work is used in their research, which we decided to put in our own survey. In the article from knowledge to distraction, written by Jonathan Spira in 2007, is stated that knowledge workers are often distracted by e-mails, phonecalls, instant messages and so forth For this reason, there is decided to investigate the amount of distraction s by these influences in the survey. In this article, also is stated that colleagues popping in might be a factor of distraction. This factor is also added to the survey.The last question regarding distraction, is about other distractions. This is to make sure that there are not any parts of distraction missed. The non-response bias of this survey was 22,7 percent. Five employees did not fill in the survey because they were not available in the two weeks the survey was online. If the non-response bias is very high it can effect the representativeness for the population. A data grid of the results of this survey can be found in table 4. A detailed calculation of the degree of productivity and distraction can be found in appendix 3.Total Work hours Telework hours leg of distraction (1=low, 5=high) tier of Productivity (1=low, 5= high) Gender (1=male, 0=female) Age Family status * 40 20 3. 2 4 1 58 3 50 33 3. 4 3. 75 1 40 1 50 30 2. 4 3. 5 1 53 3 42 7 2. 4 3. 75 1 54 3 40 5 2. 4 4. 5 1 48 4 50 25 2. 2 4 1 44 4 40 15 2. 2 3. 75 0 40 4 40 25 2 3. 75 1 28 3 40 32 2. 4 3. 5 0 32 3 40 8 3. 2 4 1 42 3 45 8 2. 4 4 0 32 3 40 2 2. 4 3 1 32 1 45 8 2. 4 3. 75 1 51 4 60 36 2. 6 4 1 31 3 45 8 2. 6 3. 5 1 36 4 45 35 3. 8 4 1 38 4 50 5 2. 4. 75 1 40 3 44. 82353 17. 76471 2. 623529 3. 852941 - 41. 11765 - *= (1= single, 2=single with children, 3=married or co-habiting, 4= married or co-habiting with children) Table 3 Data Grid of the survey at TNT Express The expected pattern Hypothesis 1 Teleworking will lead to more productivity The expected pattern for the first hypothesis teleworking will lead to more productivity is a regression of 0. 20, meaning that an increase of an hour teleworking will lead to an increase of 0. 20 in an amount of productivity. In the literature review several articles reported that teleworking increase productivity.However, there are also articles that claim a negative effect of teleworking on productivity. A summary of the reported effect sizes ca n be found in table 1 in the literature review section. The effect sizes of the relation between teleworking and productivity, found in the literature, vary from a negative relation to a positive relation. The majority of effectuate are positive, which means that productivity was increased due to teleworking. Although the majority of effects were positive, the claimed productivity increase ranges from 5 % to 20 %, up to 100 %.There is one article by Hartman (1991) that claims a negative correlation between telecommuting and telecommuting productivity. Derived from the literature review the expected pattern, in which the hypothesis is true, is a regression coefficient of 0. 20 or more. This means that if the degree of teleworking increases with one hour, the productivity will increase with 0,20. The hypothesis 2 Distraction has a negative influence on productivity The second hypothesis is aimed at the independent variable distraction on the dependent variable productivity.The correl ation is expected to be -0. 20, meaning that an increase of one unit distraction will have a decrease of 0. 20 in the amount of productivity. In the literature several effects of distraction on productivity are found. A summary of the reporter effects can be found in table 2 in the literature review section. The effects found in the literature review suggest that distraction has a negative influence on productivity. The effects vary from no significant effect on performance to being more productive when distraction is eliminated.The expected effect of distraction on productivity is expected to be negative in this research. The correlation is expected to be -0. 20, meaning that an increase of one unit distraction will have a decrease of 0. 20 in the amount of productivity. The observed pattern Hypothesis 1 Teleworking will lead to more productivity The results of the main multiple regression analysis show that 26 per cent of the variance is declare by the model. The correlation betw een the observed and expected values of dependent variable is 0,509. In appendix 4 the SPSS output of this research is shown.Surprisingly, the degree of teleworking has a negative influence on productivity. This can be interpreted by the beta of the quantity of teleworking, which is -1,311. This means that if the degree of teleworking increases with one hour, the productivity will decrease with 1,311. The hypothesis 2 Distraction has a negative influence on productivity Another strike output is the influence of distraction on productivity, which has a beta of 0,188, where a negative beta is expected. Thus, for the increase of one unit distraction, the productivity will increase with 0,188.A partial regression analysis, without the controlling variables gender, age and family status, shows that there is a slight difference in the variance declared by the model and the correlation between the observed and expected values of the dependent variable. These figures repay to 0,259 and 0, 067. The betas of the degree of teleworking and distraction fall to -1,287 and 0,148. For this reason, the controlling variables will be added to the other regression analyses. There are several ways to explain the surprising betas of teleworking and distraction.First of all, the results are based on the answers of only 17 respondents. In the partial regression plot (with the variables distraction and productivity) is clear that because of a few amount of outliners, the R2 linear is climbing a little. Without these outliers, there is a large possibility that the distraction beta will be negative, which was expected. Another explanation is that the employees of TNT express do not relate distraction to their productivity. They tend to give themselves a high overall score on productivity, regardless of the degree of distraction and teleworking.Another possibility is that the amount of distraction truly does not influence the productivity. Figure 4 The relation between distraction and productivity Because of the little number of respondents, the few outliers pull the mean of the productivity up. These respondents have a small quantity of teleworking, but tend to give themselves high scores on productivity. Therefore, the linear line of the quantity of teleworking is declining, where it would have been rising without these three outliners. This can be an explanation for the negative effect of teleworking on productivity.But on the other hand, it might be possible that the teleworking does have a negative effect on productivity. In a worst-case analysis, the five absentminded respondents could dramatically influence the results of the regression analysis. This would be, if the respondents all would score low on productivity and on high distraction (or vice versa), or if degree of teleworking among the employees is high and their productivity is high too (or vice versa). Figure 5 The relation between teleworking and productivityThe worst-case analysis of the effect of telework on productivity shows that, when the five absentminded respondents would have been very different from the ones obtained, there is a positive effect (2,775) of telework on productivity. This positive effect is shown in figure 6. This in blood line with the results of this research, without the missing five respondents, where a negative effect was discovered. If the five missing respondents participated in this research and were very different from the ones obtained they could have a drastic impact of the results of this research.The expected positive effect of telework on productivity could be discovered in this scenario. Figure 6 Worst-case analysis of the effect of telework on productivity The worst-case analysis of the effect of distraction on productivity shows that, when the five missing respondents would be very different from the ones obtained, there is a negative effect (-0,173) of distraction on productivity. The worst-case analysis is shown in figure 7. This negative effect corresponds to the expected effect of distraction on productivity, but not to the observed effect in this research.This means that if the five missing respondents participated in this research, the outcomes of this research could be dramatically different and the expected negative effect of distraction on productivity could be measured. Figure 7 Worst-case analysis of the effect of distraction on productivity Overall can be concluded that if the five missing respondents participated in this survey they could have changed the outcomes of this research dramatically. The expected effects of this research could be found when adding the five missing respondents.Discussion The test results found in the multiple regression analysis? , claim roughly that TNT express should increase the distraction among employees, and decrease the degree of teleworking. But, as shown in the results chapter, the results only show a slight negative relation. Which can be easily influenced by the missing data, as shown in the worst case scenario analysis?. Therefore, the results should be interpreted as if distraction does not have a high influence on the productivity of employees.There is not a valid relationship in the test results showing that distraction has a positive influence on productivity, because of the very low negative beta (as a result of the regression analysis) and the possible influence of the missing values on the test results. The relationship between teleworking and productivity did show a large coherency. This large coherency was interpreted as if teleworking is not productive for TNT express. Thus, in this research, distraction is recommended and teleworking is discouraged.But it is recommended to keep in mind that the worst case scenario analysis (showing the missing values can turn around findings as much as possible) presume a positive influence of teleworking on productivity, and a negative influence of distraction on productivity. For further investigation it will be recommended to use more respondents, as much as possible. When more respondents are used, the results will be less influenced by outliers. A very low response bias is also recommended, so that a worst case analysis are not necessary and therefore will not show complete opposite results compared to the research.In this research, the response bias was 28 per cent. Another recommendation would be to make a connection between distraction and productivity for the respondents themselves. In this research, the respondents did not consociate distractions to their productivity (which can explain the divergent relation between distraction and productivity). When questions are formulated with the factors of distraction and productivity in one sentence, the link is automatically made for the respondents. Theorems for example like when I am distracted by phonecalls, I feel like I can do less work.Besides that all respondents report that they were very productive, even if they suffered from a lot of distraction. A solution for this self-response bias, that often occurs in self-report surveys, is to involve the opinion of the manager of the respondents in the research as well. Because of time constraints this was not possible in this research, but it will be a good way to eliminate the self-response bias in future research. In previous research, many positive effects of teleworking on productivity were found. This research contradicts this and reveals a negative effect.Although the worst case analysis showed that there could be a positive effect, when the five missing respondents were very different from the ones obtained, the observed negative effect could also be an indication that there really is a negative relation between teleworking and productivity. In 1991 Hartman also claimed a negative correlation between teleworking and productivity. Because the research of Hartman also reported this negative effect, it could be true that teleworking has a negative impact on productivity.This would generate a new insight into the telework-productivity research, in which was assumed that teleworking increased productivity. In contradiction to earlier research on the effect of distraction on productivity, this research shows a slightly positive effect of distraction on productivity. The fact that more distraction leads to more productive employees seems contradictory, but interruptions are not necessarily bad. Little interruptions, for example, could provide a fresh new insight into someones work.Therefore the observed positive effect could be real and is interesting to further investigation. Because the observed effect is slightly positive and in the worst case analysis slightly negative, it could also be an indication that distraction has no effect on productivity. This is supported by the research of Lee and Brand, which indicated that there was no significant effect of perceived distractions on perceived performance. This finding could also contribute to the research on the effect of distraction of productivity.In conclusion the findings of this research do not fully correspond to the main findings in the literature. This is real very interesting because a new insight in the research on teleworking and productivity is generated. It can be questioned if the main findings in the literature are true. Maybe teleworking is not good for the productivity of employees and distractions are not as bad as everybodys thinking. In order to do a replication research towards the effect of teleworking on productivity in the future a replication strategy is useful.The preferred replication strategy for the future is a longitudinal survey. The longitudinal survey enables the future researchers to measure the change in productivity that takes place at a later point in time when employees telework. In the longitudinal survey all members of a focal unit can be observed over time. Additional theoretical insight is assured in o rder to determine how much time should elapse between the change in value of productivity and the subsequent change in the value of teleworking. * Appendix Appendix 1 Several definitions of Telework and/or Productivity Author(s) Definition of telework Definitions of productivity 1 Newman (1989) Working home with the aid of computers, modems and likeness machines. 2 Dubrin (1991) Performing job-related work at a site away from the company, then electronically transferring the output to another location 3 Frolick, Wilkes, Urwiler (1993) The number of tasks effectively completed in a given timeframe 4 Hartman, Stoner and Arora (1992) Work arrangement where organizational employees regularly work at home or at a remote site one or more complete workdays a week instead of working in the office. Telework managers reported using deadlines or agreed upon deadlines, and on-time work and quality to manage and measure teleworker productivity. 5 Nilles (1975) Telework is any form of su bstitution of information technologies for work-related travel 6 Mokhtarian (1991) Telework is defined as the use of telecommunications technology to partially or completely replace the commute to and from work. 7 Sing, Sheng, Higa (2000) Telecommuting is the reduction of commuting distance by working home, in nontraditional satellite offices, in telecottages, or in neighborhood offices. * Appendix 2 Self-report survey at TNT express. Onderzoek heated Nieuwe Werken bij TNT express. Voor onze bachelor thesis, onderdeel van de studie bedrijfskunde, doen wij onderzoek naar Het Nieuwe Werken bij TNT Express. Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van ons afstuderen aan de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam. Voor ons onderzoek willen we graag uw medewerking vragen door middel van het invullen van een vragenlijst. Het invullen van de vragenlijst zal ongeveer 5 minuten duren. Deze vragenlijst is geheel anoniem. Alvast bedankt, Robin Kettenes, Boudewijn Schuitmaker en Marlot Sep ___________________ _______________________________________________________ Het Nieuwe Werken is een breed begrip voor het tijd en plaats ongebonden werken, als gevolg van het gebruik van moderne communicatie technologieen. In ons onderzoek spitsen wij ons echter alleen toe op het plaatsongebonden werken. Het plaatsongebonden werken houdt in dat u zelf kunt bepalen waar u werkt. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1) Hoeveel uur werkt u over het algemeen per week? . uur 2) Heeft u de mogelijkheid om buitenkantoor te werken? Ja Nee ) Hoeveel uur per week werkt u over het algemeen buiten uw kantoor ? . .. uur 4) Op welke plaatsen werkt u als u buiten uw vaste werkplek werkt? Thuis Onderweg Internet Cafe Elders 5) Waar vindt u het het prettigst om te werken? Op kantoor Buiten kantoor 6) Ik ben makkelijk afgeleid van mijn werk Nooit Soms Regelmatig Vaak Altijd 7) Ik word tijdens mijn werk afgeleid door geluid Nooit Soms Regelmatig Vaak Altijd 8) Ik word tijdens mijn werk afgeleid door telefoontjes/e-mails/berichten etc. Nooit Soms Regelmatig Vaak Altijd 9) Ik word tijdens mijn werk afgeleid door collegasNooit Soms Regelmatig Vaak Altijd 10) Ik word tijdens mijn werk afgeleid door andere factoren Nooit Soms Regelmatig Vaak Altijd 11) Ik zou de hoeveelheid werk dat ik kan opleveren werk beschrijven als Erg veel Erg weinig 12) Ik zou de kwaliteit van mijn werk beschrijven als Erg goed Erg slecht 13) Ik heb mijn werk altijd op tijd af Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 14) Ik ben in staat meerdere taken tegelijk uit te voeren Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 15) Ik vind het erg fijn om op kantoor te werken Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 6) Ik vind het erg fijn om thuis te werken Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 17) Ik vind het prettig werk en prive gescheiden te houden Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 18) Het is makkelijk voor mij werk en prive gescheiden te houden als ik op kantoor werk Helemaal juist Helemaal onjuist 19) Kunt u een schatting geven van de verhouding tussen de tijd dat u op uwop kantoorwerkt en de tijd dat u buitenkantoor werkt? (Bijvoorbeeld 40-60 / 50-50 ) . / . 20) Wat is u geslacht? Man Vrouw 21) Wat is u leeftijd? .. jaar 22) Wat is u burgerlijke staat? AlleenstaandAlleenstaand met kinderen Getrouwd/samenwonend Getrouwd/samenwonend met kinderen Appendix 3 Detailed calculation of the degree of productivity and distraction deliberateness The Degree of Distraction 3 3 4 3 3 3. 2 3 4 4 4 2 3. 4 2 3 3 2 2 2. 4 2 2 3 3 2 2. 4 2 2 3 3 2 2. 4 2 2 2 3 2 2. 2 2 2 3 2 2 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2. 4 4 3 3 3 3 3. 2 2 2 3 2 3 2. 4 3 2 2 3 2 2. 4 3 2 2 3 2 2. 4 3 2 3 3 2 2. 6 3 2 3 2 3 2. 6 4 4 3 4 4 3. 8 3 2 4 2 2 2. 6 2. 647059 2. 11765 3 2. 705882 2. 352941 2. 623529 Calculation The Degree of Productivity 4 4 3 5 4 4 5 2 4 3. 75 4 4 2 4 3. 5 5 4 2 4 3. 75 4 4 5 5 4. 5 4 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 4 3. 75 4 4 3 4 3. 75 4 4 2 4 3. 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3. 75 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3. 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4. 75 3. 941 176 4. 058824 3. 294118 4. 117647 3. 852941 * Appendix 4 The SPSS Ouput Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. misconduct of the Estimate 1 . 509a . 259 -. 078 1. 64400 a.Predictors (Constant), SumDistr, Leeftijd, Status, MateTelewerk, Geslacht b. Dependent Variable SumProductiviteit Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 10. 929 3. 105 3. 519 . 005 MateTelewerk -1. 311 1. 749 -. 212 -. 750 . 469 Geslacht . 288 1. 177 . 071 . 244 . 811 Leeftijd -. 002 . 052 -. 013 -. 042 . 967 Status . 764 . 474 . 448 1. 613 . one hundred thirty-five SumDistr . 188 . 193 . 287 . 972 . 352 a. Dependent Variable SumProductiviteit * BibliographyApgar, M. 1998, The alternative workplace changing where and how people work, Harvard Business Review May- June, , pp. 121-136. Bailey, D. E. Kurland, N. B. 2002, A review of telework research findings, new directions, and lessons for the study of modern work, J ournal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 23, pp. 383-400. Bailyn, L. 1989, Toward the perfect workplace, communications of the ACM, vol. 32, no. 4. Bailyn, L. 1988, Freeing work from the constraints of location and time, New technology, Work, and Employment, vol. 3, pp. 143-165. 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